

Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb
February 26
00:00 2015

Scripture: John 1: 29-34

By the end of this lesson, we should

•  Understand that each believer must declare who Jesus is

• Recognize that Jesus is the Paschal Lamb

•  Appreciate God’s love for His entire creation

Background: The Gospel of John was penned by the apostle who was a part of Jesus’ inner circle. John and his brother, James were the ones who asked to sit on the right and left sides of Jesus. Not a Synoptic Gospel, John focused on the Saviour’s ministry in Judea (Judah) and the city of Jerusalem. This book didn’t waste any time presenting Jesus as God incarnate (term not in Scripture). He was both human and divine at the same time. The Trinity, also not in Scripture, is used for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) as one entity.

Word about John the Baptist’s ministry spread quickly, so crowds would gather to hear him. His testimony was simple and clear – Repent and prepare for the coming of the Lord! He was very clear about his role. The Jewish hierarchy decided to investigate. Read verses 19-28. Here again the Baptist identifies himself.

Lesson: As the Baptist is baptizing, he sees Jesus approaching and declares to the people, “Behold the Lamb.” Jews know the significance of a lamb. Thousands of years before, their ancestors were saved because of that animal. Their sacrifices covered sin therefore; they had to be repeated over and over. The Baptist’s declaration indicated that this Lamb is different! This will be the final sacrifice for all people. Jesus is greater than the forerunner and was present in the beginning. As John speaks to the crowd, he acknowledges what happened earlier when he baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22). Not only is Jesus baptized with water but His anointing is also with/by the Holy Spirit (the dove) permanently.

Life’s Application: How do you feel when you see evidence of Jesus’ presence? Are you in awe or do you hide? When faced with life’s choices, what do you do? We attend worship, join ministries and pay our tithes. However the time will come when each believer must boldly declare who Jesus is. His sacrifice is the greatest gift of all times! He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. No one took His life; He gave it freely. The Lamb not only changed the status quo but He transformed believers from the inside out. If we recognize the Lamb our lives would be more positive than negative. We would be filled with love not hate. We would respect all people as part of God’s creation. Behold the Lamb.

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