HanesBrands employees provide Day of Caring initiatives
A Hanes employee helps by sorting clothes.
Submitted photo
HanesBrands today announced nearly 400 employees participated in its annual Day of Caring event, the finale of the company’s 2016 United Way campaign.
The two-week campaign ends with employees trading an afternoon of work to help those in need. Hanes’ Day of Caring was Friday, Oct. 28, from 1 to 4 p.m. at 13 Forsyth County agencies. Volunteers sorted and organized food pantries, painted and planted garden beds, and other landscaping projects.
“We are proud to make a difference in the community where we live and work through the Day of Caring event,” said James Francis, Hanes’ vice president, basics, and chairman of the company’s 2016 United Way campaign. “Our employees are extremely committed to volunteerism, and are honored to lend a helping hand to 13 local agencies making a difference in the lives of Forsyth County residents.”
“We here at HanesBrands are extremely honored and thrilled to leave our mark on the community in such a way,” said Cheryl Lindsay, Hanes’ director, global diversity/inclusion and community relations, and Day of Caring chairperson. “Each year employee volunteers jump at the chance to go out into their community to donate their time and effort to help change lives for the better.”
As part of this year’s campaign, Hanes employees also donated 10,000 pounds of nonperishable food items equating to 9,000 meals to the Second Harvest Food Bank, a United Way agency. Other campaign activities included an on-campus kickoff celebration, silent auction and an agency fair.
Hanes earned its ninth United Way Campaign of Excellence award for raising $2.4 million during the 2015 campaign.
Hanes employees worked at: *Bridges Church Clothing and Food Pantry –Sorting and organizing food pantry, sorting clothes, packaging back-packs and outdoor garden-ing
*Exchange/SCAN –Pressure washing play-house, gardening and cleaning nursery
*Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club – Planting winter vegetables and painting picnic tables
*Salvation Army Store –Organizing clothing closet
*Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina – Painting, gardening, and working on pallets
*The Children’s Home –Painting outdoor fence
*Union Baptist Church –Sorting clothing and organizing food pantry, general interior cleaning and painting interior lobby
*Winston-Salem Urban League – Painting interior lobby and board room
*Jerry Long Family YMCA – Painting picnic tables and painting lines in play area
*YMCA Camp Hanes –Landscaping and painting interior areas
*YWCA-Gateway –Painting interior gym
*YWCA-Hawley House – Landscaping and staining outdoor stairs
*YWCA-Best Choice Center – Mulching outdoor playground and plant beds.