

WSSU announces fall 2020 class schedule

WSSU announces fall 2020 class schedule
June 03
15:25 2020

Winston-Salem State University will resume in-person classes this fall. Below are specific reopening details.

Fall Semester Dates:

*We will begin the 2020-21 academic year on August 17, one week earlier than originally scheduled.

*The last day of in-person instruction will be November 20. 

*Final exams for most courses will be given online between November 23-December 2.

*We will forgo fall break (October 12-13) in order to complete the in-person portion of the semester before Thanksgiving.

*Students will be encouraged not to return to campus after the Thanksgiving holiday unless they are in an internship or a similar course that requires the completion of specific hours that cannot be finalized before Thanksgiving.

To accomplish the instructional hours required by our accrediting body while ensuring safe transitions between classes, classes will be scheduled between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. A 20-minute “passing time” will be implemented between classes.

Return to Work:

The return to work for our faculty and staff will be phased gradually with a focus on ensuring appropriate physical distancing, cleaning and sanitizing of workspaces, and availability of personal protective equipment for on-campus employees. In the coming weeks, administrators and supervisors will be communicating the plan for this phased return. Employees can expect staggered work schedules, reconfigured workstations, remote work, and other accommodations to limit density on campus and maximize safety. Most of the WSSU workforce will continue working remotely for the immediate future.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection:

As employees return to campus, routine cleaning and sanitizing will be performed continuously throughout the day with special focus on high-touch areas on campus like doorknobs, water fountains, handrails, and elevator buttons. Employees will also have access to cleaning supplies to disinfect common areas, such as break and workrooms, throughout the day.

Community Standards for Health and Safety:

We are ramping up our community standards to promote a safe and healthy environment to teach, learn, work, and live. In alignment with federal, state, and local guidance, we will be asking the campus community to wash your hands often, use hand sanitizer, maintain clean spaces, and wear appropriate face coverings/masks, among other best practices. We will be posting signs in campus buildings with these important reminders. 

Social Distancing Parameters:

Social distancing is an important factor in resuming normal operations, especially while waiting for an effective antiviral, treatment, or vaccine for COVID-19. This summer, the university will reconfigure buildings, classrooms, and meeting room spaces to allow for appropriate social distancing. Our goal is to ensure the safest possible environment for our campus community. 

In addition to instructional spaces, dining services, research labs, and recreational spaces will also be evaluated and reconfigured to integrate social distancing measures to protect students, faculty, and staff.

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