
Members and officers of Cornerstone of Faith Ministries dedicate their new church

Members and officers of Cornerstone of Faith Ministries dedicate their new church
October 18
12:29 2024

By Felecia Piggott-Long, Ph.D.

Minister James Ragland served as the worship leader of the dedication ceremony for Cornerstone of Faith Ministries, Inc. on Sunday, Oct. 13, at 4 p.m. Minister Sinetha Scott read the Old Testament scripture, Psalm 122, stating, “I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord,” and Minister Alyssa Graves read Ephesians 2:13-22 from the New Testament, “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of this household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”

Cornerstone of Faith Ministries was located on Craigmore Drive for nine years, at Farrington Point Drive for ten years, and it is now located at 1620 Old Salisbury Road.

“God gave us five addresses. He blessed us with this church, with the house next door, and a house behind the church we use as a fellowship hall and other houses around us that take a whole block. We just put a family inside of the house next door this week. To God be the glory,” said Bishop Stephens. “I thank a mighty God for this woman of God who walks beside me and supports me.”

“I bless the Lord for this new edifice,” said First Lady Debra Terry Stephens. “My husband is not settling. He must see it. He must see the vision. He must feel it. I thank God for all of you who will help him help us.”

Following prayer, praise and worship, Minister Tameka Williams welcomed all guests and members and community leaders. The following community leaders offered greetings before the people: Rev. Dr. Yvonne Hines, Mt. Sinai Full Gospel Deliverance Church; Bishop Sir Walter Mack, Union Baptist Church; Chief Deputy Henry Gray, Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department; and Chief William Penn, Winston-Salem Police Department.

The praise team came forward to lead the sermonic selection, “Today Will Be the Best Day of My Life.” Minister Alyssa Graves bowed down in worship and adoration before God by using a coral and teal blue liturgical flag. Archbishop Myron K. Dawson, presiding prelate of Kingdom Council of Churches, and Bishop Alphonso L. Smith, 2nd presiding bishop of Kingdom Council of Churches, offered the “Act of Dedication.”

“Let us dedicate this building and rejoice in its holy use. / To  the glory of God, who has called us by grace; / to the honor of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us; / We dedicate this house,” said Bishop Smith.

Deacons and ministers walked to the corners of the building with anointing oil in their hands and prayer in their hearts. They anointed the windows and the walls. They prayed in dedication and honor to God and to fortify the foundation of the holy ground “for the worship of God in prayer and praise,” “for the comfort of those who mourn,” “for the hallowing of family life,” “for the conversion of sinners,” and “for the unity of the faith.“ 

Archbishop Dawson preached about the value of the family in the building of community and the dedication of God’s house. “God has been speaking to me about changing the family dynamic. He has been speaking to me about how I was losing my family to the Church. I lost my family by doing church, said Dawson. “My son did eight years in prison. I was in the home, but not in his life. I was not active in his life because I chose another wife – the Church! I lost my son to a system called “doing church.” I missed so much valuable time!  Your ministry should begin in your home first. I chose the Church over my marriage. The women were submissive, but hurting, mad. They want their husbands.”

“We need to focus on the family during this season. Bring the family unit back,” said Dawson. “When was the last time you sat around the table and took away the cell phones and iPads? We can be so theatrical in church. Shouting, showing off. We have to be more active with our children.”

Expressions of thanks and praise came from the founders of the church, Minister Curtis Bufford and Elder Jodria Bufford. Elder Al Horton and Evangelist Linda Horton as well as Deacon Cornelius and Deacon Lucia Spencer, a charter member, offered words of love and support for the members of Bishop Grosjean L. Stephens and First Lady Debra Terry Stephens. 

The address of the church extends from 1625 – 1629 Old Salisbury Road. The evening brought the guests together in the fellowship hall enjoying good food and fellowship.

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