Ardmore Baptist volunteers help clear cemetery
Young volunteers from Ardmore Baptist Church cleared many branches at the historic Happy Hills Cemetery on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Photo by Maurice Pitts Johnson
Special to The Chronicle
On Saturday, Oct. 15, the youth from Ardmore Baptist Church volunteered to help clean the Happy Hill Cemetery at the request of the Happy Hill Cemetery Friends.
A group of youth along with several mothers, fathers and the youth pastor, the Rev. Dane Martin, worked extremely hard and cleared a large area of the site, in the Happy Hill Community at the intersection of Pitts and Willow Street.
When they ran across a fallen tree – no problem – they called a church member who had a buzz saw. He came to the rescue and cut the tree in pieces small enough for the youth to take to the street.
The large pile of limbs, leaves and tree pieces are evidence of their hard word.
“What a cooperative involvement,” leaders of the Happy Hill Cemetery Friends said. After their valiant work, the youth were treated by the parents – a father brought his truck with a grill on the back and cooked hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages.
Some of the youth will get Community Service hours for their diligent work.
There was an “interesting find” during the clearing. A stone was uncovered that belonged to a Robert R. Holland. On that stone was a Masonic emblem.
The Happy Hill Cemetery Friends want to find a member of that order, with the hopes they can up-right the stone and take an interest in helping to clean the historical cemetery. This is an ongoing project, therefore, other benevolent groups, fraternal groups and concerned individuals are encouraged to volunteer their time and effort to assist the Happy Hill Cemetery Friends. Scheduled cleaning is done each month on the second and fourth Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
“Talk with your parents and grandparents about their ancestors,” Happy Hill Cemetery Friends officials say. “Perhaps they have a relative buried in the Happy Hill Cemetery. Some stones are readable and there is a list with names. Please get in touch for possible verification. The Friends could use additional help.”
Contact Ms. Maurice Pitts Johnson at 336-815-8417 or Mr. David Gall at 336-773-1213.