Artist picked for city anniversary project
The City Council has selected Vandorn Hinnant, a Greensboro artist, as the winner of the city’s Centennial Art Commission.
Hinnant’s proposal was recommended to the council by a panel of three local artists who reviewed the 14 submissions the city received.
Hinnant will create two free-standing metal columns, the taller of which will be at least seven feet tall, comprising isosceles triangles. The faces of the triangles will be inscribed with text and images commemorating significant historical figures and events.
“This depiction will encompass Winston-Salem’s development from a hugely successful industrial power into a growing center of education, business, medicine and the arts,” Hinnant said in his proposal. “The two columns will illustrate the Salem and Winston communities choosing to work together towards a unified front as a city. This history of two diverse cultures coming together to create an example of harmony achieved through difference is reflected metaphorically through the inherent harmonious proportions throughout the two columns’ geometric proportions.”
The selection committee recommended that the sculpture be placed in Corpening Plaza.
Hinnant’s work has been featured in more than 28 group exhibits across the nation. He had four solo exhibits in Winston-Salem and his work has been included in two group exhibits at SECCA. His art can be found in private and corporate art collections in Winston-Salem, and he served as a consultant to Winston-Salem State University for over two decades.