Attention writers: Call for entries

Here are two upcoming opportunities for those who write, whether experienced or budding writers:
Forsyth County Public Library is sponsoring a short story contest this fall that is open to writers of all ages. The deadline to submit is Monday, Nov. 30. Entries must be submitted as hard copy of your most creative story to your local library and must include your name, age, and contact information. Stories can be on any theme, in any genre you choose, so let your imagination run wild! The winner of each age group will receive a $50 gift card to Bookmarks. Call 336-703-2985 for more details.
Poetry in Plain Sight is open to any poet who is a current resident of North Carolina. Submissions will be accepted August 1 through September 12. Entry is free to paid-up adult members of the N.C. Poetry Society and $5 for non-members. Payment can be made through PayPal on the Poetry in Plain Sight web page. A donation to the program is an option on the same button to support the printing and distribution of poetry posters. Each poet can submit one time in the submission cycle to Mailed submissions will not be considered. Please visit the N.C. Poetry Society at and look under the Contest heading for more information and detailed poem specifications.