No matter if you’re spending time downtown at Innovation Quarter, grabbing a bite to eat at Sweet Potatoes, visiting Carter G. Woodson School, Old Salem, or the Forsyth County Hall of Justice, it’s nearly impossible to travel the city without seeing some of Rucker’s work.
Posts From Tevin Stinson
Last Saturday the Benton Convention Center was transformed into a one-stop-shop to learn about heart health and ways to live a healthier life as hundreds of men and women came together for Red H.E.A.R.R.T.’s Red Bottom Shoes & Red Bow Tie Health and Wellness Affair.
Art exhibit at Reynolda House depicts early contributions of Black North Carolinians
Exhibit pays tribute to ‘Queen Mother of Braids’
The intersection of Cherry and 25th Streets will now and forever be known as Mildred R. Griffin Way.
Smart Start of Forsyth County (SSFC) is looking to bring educators across the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School district and surrounding districts together. On Saturday, Feb. 25, Smart Start will host the Childcare Providers Unite Early Educators Conference at Atkins High School.
The art form of portraiture has been around just as long as art itself. Throughout history portraiture has been used to uplift white monarchs, people of power, importance, and wealth. Louisiana-based artist Vitus Shell is challenging that tradition with his exhibit, “Vitus Shell: ‘Bout It ‘Bout It, The Political Power of Just Being,” which is on display at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA).
The Winston-Salem City Council has approved a resolution that is designed to serve as a guide for future development in Dreamland Park and Columbia Heights, two neighborhoods located in East Winston.