Forsyth County has hired Joshua Swift to be the county’s new Public Health director. Swift, 41, was most recently the health director of Caldwell County, a position he held for
Posts From Todd Luck

City Council Member DD Adams lost to longtime incumbent Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx on Tuesday night, but she says she’s far from done. On the night when Democrats took the

Forsyth County commissioners voted to explore buying Belews Lake land from Duke Energy for a future park last week after hearing from concerned residents in the area. The county tentatively

The East End Master Plan envisions the prosperity of downtown extending to East Winston with Fifth Street playing a major

By Todd Luck The Chronicle County Commissioners heard a proposal last week for using the former Memorial Industrial School orphanage

Despite well publicized efforts against the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) that drove up premiums for 2018 plans, most ACA costumers will be seeing lower rates from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina.

Forsyth County commissioners will vote today, Thursday, Nov. 1, on making the Smith Reynolds Airport into a county department with an Airport Board.

Forsyth County is in discussions with Duke Energy to potentially purchase 216 acres of land at Belews Lake for a new park.