

Baptist women convene in Winston-Salem

On Sunday night, the Rev. Dr. Nathan Scovens, in the black and white robe, leads the Communion service, which featured some traditional Communion songs.

Baptist women convene in Winston-Salem
July 26
03:00 2018

The rains and storms earlier this week didn’t stop Baptist women and their supporters from coming to Winston-Salem for the 134th annual session of the Woman’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Convention of N.C.

It is an auxiliary to the General Baptist State Convention of N.C. Inc.

The annual session mostly was held at the Benton Convention Center downtown July 22-25. But the convention held a Communion service at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday night.

Galilee’s pastor, the Rev. Dr. Nathan Scovens, preached and conducted the Communion service. 

Pastor Scovens took his text from Psalm 29:2 and his topic was “Glory to His Name.” He said all who have been saved should give God the praise He desires and deserves and is due, and the saved people should give God the glory for what He’s done, is doing and is about to do.

During the Sunday night service, Evelyn S. Johnson, executive director of the Woman’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Convention of N.C., gave a testimony about how she was healed the last time the convention came to Winston-Salem.

On Monday, a Pre-Convention Banquet was held at the Benton Convention Center. 

Throughout the annual session were mission projects and sessions for Seniors, Young Adults and Youth Department and preaching. The president of the convention, Elizabeth S. Marrow of Oxford, N.C., gave her address, also.

The convention ended with a service on Wednesday night led by the Rev. Dr. John Mendez, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Winston-Salem.

Convention officials announced that the Woman’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Convention of N.C. has partnered with the Lott Carey foreign missionary organization and N.C. Norad to take on the human trafficking issue in 2018. A feature of one segment at the annual session addressed this issue.

For more information about the convention, go to www.wbh-fmc.org.

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