

Black Philanthropy Fund accepting grant applications

Black Philanthropy Fund  accepting grant applications
September 05
00:00 2012

Chronicle Staff Report

Local nonprofit organizations are being encouraged to apply for grants from The Winston-Salem Foundation’s Black Philanthropy Fund. The Fund was created through fundraising efforts of the Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI), which was established in 2000 to celebrate the traditions of sharing in the African-American community while expanding models of charitable giving through education and engagement. BPI is led by a group of community volunteers who understand the impact that giving has made in the development of our community. During this grant cycle, priority for grants will be given to programs that support African-Americans in the area of financial literacy, such as debt avoidance, finance, savings, budgeting and related issues for either teens or adults. In past cycles, the Fund has awarded grants to programs that support education and parenting and life skills training.  The Black Philanthropy Initiative will make grants in amounts of up to $5,000 each, and the grant period will be for one year. The Black Philanthropy Initiative Advisory Committee will notify grant recipients in November. The Black Philanthropy Fund will not award grants to support individuals; long-term operating support; projects that would ordinarily receive public funding; and/or religious activities that serve only the members of a single congregation or promote a particular faith. Since 2008, BPI has awarded more than $83,000 in grants. Last year, $17,544 in grants were awarded among Ashley Elementary School, Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem State University and Kimberley Park Elementary School – all to support innovative educational programs. The grant application is online and is due by 5 p.m. on Sept. 28. To access the grant application, go to  HYPERLINK “http://www.wsfoundation.org/bpigrants” www.wsfoundation.org/bpigrants. For questions, call Sandra Fishel-Booth at The Winston-Salem Foundation at 336-725-2382.

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