Busta’s Person of the Week: Super singer Victor Solomon continues to put God ahead of his career

By Busta Brown
What happened on March 1 was a dream come true for Mr. HBCU. “Man! You could see how excited I was when I walked onto the stage for the blind audition! My face lights up! Their chairs were turned with their backs facing me, but I could see the side profile of their faces. I was like, hold on; I’m really about to do this. I was nervous, but then I flipped the switch. Then boom! I said I’m about to kill it.”
He did just that. Killed it! The senior at North Carolina A&T State University performed “Glory.” a Grammy award-winning song written by singer John Legend and hip-hop artist and actor Common. His dynamic performance not only turned the heads of millions of viewers, but it also turned the chairs of the three judges on NBC’s The Voice. One of the judges was none other than John Legend himself.
“I started singing and I saw Blake Shelton staring at me, and I’m like, oh my God, this is happening right now! Then shortly after, I saw coach Legend turn around, and then Nick Jonas. It was crazy! Because I was told that coach Legend never turned around for someone that was singing one of his songs before. So, when he turned around, I was like wow! He’s really looking at me right now,” shared a very excited Victor Solomon.
Victor went on to finish fifth place in the competition, but continues to stay in contact with John Legend. “We do keep in contact. Whenever I have a question, I reach out to him. Even if I want to wish him happy holidays or happy birthday, I do as well. It’s crazy because I’m a huge fan of his!” said the former Mr. North Carolina A&T.
Victor said growing up in church has played a huge part in his success and the man that he is today. “Being the captain of the state championship football team in Peoria, Illinois, taught me to be a leader. I had a bad temper, which caused me to make mistakes and mishaps throughout my life. But that also helped me become a better man.
“I began to realize who I am and what I had going for myself. So, I couldn’t indulge in certain activities anymore and unnecessary altercations. I learned to control my temper because of my love of music, and praying. Anytime I had an issue or was angry and couldn’t let it out. I put my headphones on in my room, and escaped it all by listening to music.
“I’m glad I went through it, because now I’m capable of being more innovative with the way that I speak, lead and set examples for what follows,” said Victor. As he was speaking, I was trying to imagine this humble, kind and warm-spirited brotha having a bad temper. And … I couldn’t. He had a welcoming smile throughout the entire interview. His voice was extremely calming and it was crystal clear that he’s a man after God’s heart. The music and movie industry needs more like Victor Solomon.
“My mother always taught my siblings and I to put God first in everything we do, and everything else will fall into place. And here I am,” he said with a spirit of gratitude.
During his run on The Voice, Victor was coached by John Legend and Snoop Dog. Yet, he remained humble and continued to keep God first. He honored his role on the praise and worship team at his church, and never lost focus of his vision to fight homelessness.
“I think homelessness is one of the most unnecessary things in the world. I do believe in working hard for what you want, but there are people that aren’t able, so we must lend them a hand up. Some people just need that boost. My goal is to build homes and apartments for people that need a hand up,” shared Solomon.
You could feel his sincerity as he continued. He became very emotional as he shared the heartbreaking sight of Skid Row, which is approximately 50 square blocks located just east of downtown Los Angeles, California. “It’s terrifying to see that there are so many homeless people in LA, and not even miles away from people who live in mansions. I believe it’s a blessing to give than to receive. That’s something the Bible teaches, and I’ve learned as a child. So, my goal is to do my part to put an end to the homelessness in the world.”
Victor also visits elementary schools in Greensboro, teaching students how to read. In 2022, he began an awesome partnership with one of the technology giants. “I have a partnership with Apple, which is an incredible opportunity. We’re creating content with the new iPhone 13 that will shed light on HBCUs and our culture,” shared Victor.
At the age of 6, Victor and his family knew a star was born. “I was in the room with my sister and she said, ‘Victor, you sound like the people in the videos.’ I was like, for real! I eventually started singing in church and in school.”
And he’s never looked back since. He said the most challenging part of his journey was getting started. But, with faith and prayer, God made a way and it all fell into place.
What’s next for the superstar singer and aspiring actor? “I’m holding back on my album right now, because I want to build more of a fan base. So, when I do release it, everybody will be looking for it. So, get ready, because I will be releasing some singles and maybe some holiday music as well.”
When I asked where he sees himself in three to five years, he replied, “I see myself in Los Angeles working on a TV series, film, on Broadway, and on a world music tour. (SPOILER ALERT!) And I have a girlfriend, so I might pop the question soon,” said Victor, as he blushes. As he talked about his girlfriend, I saw the smile of a man who’s truly in love.
I asked Victor to share his two favorite singers. “Tye Tribbett is the GOAT to me! I love his music and his energy on stage. I even have his DVD concert from back in the day. I learned every move and every vocal run. I learned the entire concert. And I love Kim Burrell! One of my favorite songs is ‘Victory.’”
If money and career opportunities made him choose between gospel or R&B? “I would choose gospel hands down, without question!”
His advice to other aspiring singers and actors: “It’s OK to invest in yourself. There were times I had to spend a lot of money I didn’t want to spend, but it made me better. So, it’s OK to spend money on you and your craft. Because it will make you better in the future.”
My phenomenal Person of the Week is Victor Solomon.