
Busta’s Person of the Week: Tracey Wolfe helps you find the true beauty in your flaws

Busta’s Person of the Week: Tracey Wolfe helps you find the true beauty in your flaws
August 22
12:06 2024

By Busta Brown

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10 is one of Tracey R. Wolfe’s favorite scriptures. “When I was having a tough time and when I do have tough times, the word of God always helps us throughout everyday life. And 1 Peter, 5:10 where it says, you have suffered a while now, that lets me know that I will have to suffer. Every day it’s not going to be rosy. It’s not going to be sunny. They’re going to be some cloudy days. So, after I’ve suffered a while, God will give me strength. He will establish me. He will restore me. And that encourages me, so I stand on the word of God every day.” 

Tracey is a well-known entrepreneur and community activist in Winston-Salem. I met Tracey through a mutual friend, master manifester, keynote speaker and executive consultant Mercedes L. Miller. I knew right away the mother of two would be excellent for my Person of the Week. Let’s get to know her.

At what age did you know making others look and feel beautiful was your calling?

At 14 years old I went to the career center and took up cosmetology while I was in high school.

Tell us about Flawless Image-Beauty-Fashion.

Flawless Image-Beauty-Fashion has evolved so much over the years. When I was a full-time hairstylist, I specialized in hair extensions, mastering the art of making hair extensions look like it was growing naturally from the scalp. That’s where the name “Flawless” came from, and my motto was “Hair Waving to Perfection!” Although I no longer do hair, I’m still a licensed cosmetologist. Now I’ve transitioned into coaching others on their image, advising them on beauty needs, and creating custom fashion t-shirts. My passion for helping people look and feel their best continues to thrive in new and exciting ways.

We all have our flaws. What are some that you’ve overcome as a child and adult?

As a child, I longed to have light skin, long hair, and long skinny legs. My reality was the total opposite. I had to learn to embrace the person I am and trust in God’s Word, knowing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I believe some of our biggest personal challenges are often closely tied to our purpose. For me, overcoming low self-esteem was a significant hurdle. I had to learn to love myself and embrace my body. I can genuinely tell my clients that they are wonderfully made, regardless of their flaws. God created each of us with a unique purpose.

What are some of the organizations that you volunteer for?  

I am a part of a few organizations that are very dear to me. Phenomenal Woman Phenomenally YOU, Lady Million Marviette A is the visionary and founder. The organization will be celebrating our 15-year anniversary this December. We are founded on a mission of five basic principles. I would like to share just one of the principles: To inspire women to push in the midst of life-happening trauma and go beyond their limits.

Thrive Foundation, empowering minds, educating advocates, and evolving communities. Thrive Foundation, founded by visionary Reketta Brown, is a Guilford County-based nonprofit organization that educates children, families, and the community on the importance of mental health awareness. We foster hope and resiliency in the communities we serve by providing programs and resources that help empower, educate, and evolve communities. 

Our mental health is vitally important. In order to have healthy families which produce healthy communities, it starts with us as individuals and our well-being. 

Men That Win. I’m honored to be a part of this annual fundraiser honoring men who have made an impact in the community while overcoming obstacles. I love the fact that Donna Montgomery, who is the visionary and founder, decided to recognize great men throughout the community because we need to give honor where honor is due.

What cause are you most passionate about?

My passion is serving others and encouraging people not to give up. I’m here to motivate people to keep shining 365, regardless of your circumstances.

What is the story behind the title of your e-book, ”Eight Ways of Raising Them Better, Not Bitter” and why did you see the need to write the book?

The e-book, “Eight Ways of Raising Them Better, Not Bitter,” holds a special place in my heart. During my second divorce, I recognized that I was carrying a lot of bitterness, and I realized I didn’t want my daughters to grow up with that same burden. It was a turning point for me, motivating me to change my ways for their sake.

Share a few of the eight ways to raise our young ladies better and not bitter. Why is this important?

I would like to share three of the “Eight Ways of Raising Them Better, Not Bitter”:

  1. Lead by example 
  2. Communicate 
  3. Traditions  

I can confidently say that these three things have brought my daughters and I closer together. My desire for them to achieve greatness; I’m committed to being their example and becoming a better person each day. I believe that communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, and the traditions we share are truly priceless.

I love the title of your book, “Wake, Pray, Slay.” Tell us about the title and how you can wake, pray and slay?

The title “Wake, Pray, Slay” reflects a daily mindset of purpose, faith, and action. It’s about starting each day with intention – waking up with a clear purpose, connecting through prayer, and then going out to “slay,” which means conquering your goals with confidence and determination. For both men and women, “Wake, Pray, Slay” is a powerful mantra. Waking up symbolizes being present and ready to face the day. Praying represents grounding yourself, seeking guidance, and aligning with your values and faith. Slaying is all about taking action, overcoming obstacles, and pursuing your goals with passion. Whether it’s in your career, personal life, or spiritual journey, this approach can help you live each day with purpose and power.

How can men benefit from reading your books?

Men can gain valuable insights from reading a woman’s book by gaining a deeper understanding of the female perspective, which can lead to better communication and stronger relationships with the women in their lives. These books can offer new viewpoints on issues like emotional intelligence, empathy, and societal challenges that women face, which can broaden a man’s perspective and foster personal growth. Additionally, it can help men become more supportive partners, friends, and allies by offering a more nuanced view of gender dynamics and experiences.

What scripture gives you comfort and endurance?  

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31, because of the word “wait.” That lets me know, you gotta wait. In the midst of waiting, my strength will be renewed.

How can we purchase your books and contact you? 

On social media follow me at Tracey R Wolfe. My website is

My Phenomenal Person of the Week is Tracey R. Wolf. 

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