Carter G. Woodson School awarded $55,725 from NC Department of Public Instruction

Carter G. Woodson School (CGWS), a K-12 charter school located in Winston Salem, has been awarded a grant of $55,725 from the N.C. Dept. of Public Instruction under the Coding and Mobile App Development Grant Program. CGWS is the only charter school over the past two years awarded among the grantees. This demonstration project is designed to help assist in development, implementation, and evaluation of a CGWS computer science/CTE/digital learning curriculum aligned with the N.C. K-12 Computer Science Standards.
The CarterCode Academy (CCA) will involve a 40-hour professional development cohort of 33 participants including K-12 teachers across all disciplines, curriculum specialists, guidance services, school administration, and guidance. Some 130 students will also actively participate. CCA’s goal is to incorporate digital learning into existing courses across the curriculum, not limited to typical math and science disciplines. The project period is from Feb. 24 – June 30, 2021.
CGWS is a Title 1 school serving some 465 students with a blended population of 45% African American and 55% Hispanic. Computer science remains plagued by an under representation by gender, race, ethnicity, geography, and family income. CGWS seeks to favorably impact this trend.
CCA involves a partnership of presenters from educational institutions, business, entrepreneurs and others, including NCSU/Friday Institute/Computer Science Initiative; Greater Winston Salem, Inc. (formerly WS Chamber of Commerce); NCDPI-Digital Teaching & Learning; FTCC-IT/Cyber Security Program; National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce (NCBW) based at Forsyth Technical Community College; Chuck Byrd with Strategic Partners Collaborative; Balint Gaspar with SightSource; and Dr. William Lewis with WillHouse Global.
Some testimonies from our partnership letters include:
*Sam Morris with NCSU/Friday Institute/Computer Science Initiative, who serves as the CCA lead faculty. Sam said, “We look forward to working with you to expand student opportunities/broaden participation in computer science at CGWS.”
*Mark Owens and Terri Cummings with Greater Winston Salem, Inc. said, “Our commitment is to partner and connect businesses and educational institutions to CGWS in support of this program.”
*Dr. Deanne Wesley with FTCC said, “Your project and its effect on student learning/professional development is an awesome opportunity in digital learning and technology. We’re pleased to support your project.”
*Russ Read with NCBW said, “The biotechnology workforce of tomorrow will require an agile workforce operational in all aspects of informatics associated with good documentation practices. CGWS Code Academy is very much in line with the early STEM skills needed for these job opportunities.”
Ben Harris, CGWS director, said, “Our ancestral heritage and pride demand that we continue with our innovative and culturally relevant curriculum; we are expanding into agricultural sciences, with our school farm … and continue to strengthen our focus on math and science and embrace new initiatives that will distinguish CGWS as a leader in public education in N.C. We have digital cameras in all classrooms ensuring the inclusion of a blended/virtual learning environment. This project will greatly expand our vision.”
CCA Project Manager/Grant Writer/Compliance Officer: Aynn Daniels – LIANDA Consulting Group, Inc.; Project Supervisor: Debra Gaines – CGWS Curriculum/Testing Coordinator.
Carter G. Woodson School is located ate 437 Goldfloss Street. For more information, visit