Busta’s Person of the Week: Chef Crissy makes magic happen
Arts and Lifestyle
What does colorism mean to you? Do you have light skin or dark skin privilege? How has colorism impacted opportunities or lack thereof? Those were just a few of the questions raised at the Delta Fine Arts Center during the Collard Greens & Salsa Collective’s open conversation on colorism.
Lenora Cunningham sat on stage at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon, June 9, and gracefully accepted recognition and praise in celebration of her 100th birthday.
On Thursday, May 16, members of the Winston-Salem Chapter of North Carolina Central University Alumni Association gathered. The purpose was not to conduct business, nor to render service. Rather, the purpose was to celebrate “Golden” Eagles in the chapter and area.
Bookmarks has named Caitlyn “Cat” VanOrder Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2019.
Beta Lambda Chapter Installs Seven New Members
The Winston-Salem Recreation and Parks Department and A-Visions brought rapper “Jamal” to the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center last Friday to perform for the neighborhood kids and give them some advice from someone inside the industry.
Piedmont Plus Senior Games/SilverArts winners announced
Writer’s Corner: Why I did not make it to the funeral