Chronicle reporter receives 2 awards from N.C. Press Association
Senior reporter Tevin Stinson sits down with Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough. Stinson received two awards at the N.C. Press Association’s annual convention held virtually last week.

The Chronicle and its staff have received numerous awards for reporting, photography and design over its 46 years of publication. This year its senior reporter, Tevin Stinson, earned two awards. He received first place in Ledes (the opening sentences in an article) for his story “Local board of education scheduled to make decision on reopening for schools” for this lede: “In the blockbuster film ‘The Matrix,’ Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is offered the choice of a red pill and a blue pill by Morpheus, who was played by Laurence Fishburne. Take the red pill and you supposedly reveal the ‘unpleasant truth’ about society or take the blue pill and remain in ‘blissful ignorance.’ While their decision won’t involve colorful capsules or special effects, just like Neo, today, Oct. 1, the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS) Board of Education is faced with their own tough decision when they vote whether to allow students to return to classrooms or continue virtual learning for at least nine more weeks.”
Stinson also received a third place award for News Enterprise Editing for his series of stories on the wrongful conviction of Ronnie Long.
Submissions were for the period of Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020. The Chronicle has been a long-time member of the N.C. Press Association and competes in Division B with newspapers of similar size. This year the Division B category had 20 newspapers from around the state in competition for awards.
James Taylor, The Chronicle’s publisher, said, “Tevin Stinson is a well-rounded reporter who knows his way around both the community and the newsroom. Mr. Stinson’s character matches his journalistic ability and it is an honor to be able to serve with him at The Chronicle.”
“It feels good to know my hard work is paying off,“ Stinson said.
The news department consists of Editor Bridget Elam, Associate Editor Judie Holcomb-Pack, Graphic Designer Gregg Penn, Sports and Religion Reporter Timothy Ramsey, and Senior Reporter Tevin Stinson. Speaking about Stinson, Elam said, “Tevin’s recognitions are well-deserved. He embodies the tenants to being a true journalist. His hard work and dedication to reporting news in our community deserve the highest of honors. We are proud that he is a part of our team.
“Although we are considered a small newsroom, our team is big in heart and expertise. Our passion to bring news that’s relevant to our community is a driving force that propels us toward excellence. The Chronicle has the perfect combination of expertise and talent and it shows when we can compete with larger media outlets and continue to win awards for our journalism.”
Winning awards is nothing new for The Chronicle. Last year photographer Alphonso Abbott Jr. and graphic designer Gregg Penn won awards for best use of photos and graphics. Abbott’s photos are often used on our sports page. In 2018 our graphic designer, the late Ron Rogers, was honored for his political cartoons.
Due to the pandemic, the N.C. Press Association convention was held virtually this year and included workshops, speakers, business session and the awards ceremony. Complete information on the convention can be found at