

THE CHRONICLE’S ENDORSEMENTS: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board

THE CHRONICLE’S ENDORSEMENTS: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board
April 19
14:12 2018

THE CHRONICLE’S ENDORSEMENTS: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board

Early voting begins Thursday, April 19. The Democratic and Republican primaries are on May 8. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board is one of the important races on both ballots that will help to shape policy for the next few years in our community.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board District 1

Incumbents Deanna Taylor and Victor Johnson did not seek re-election to the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Board in District 1. The vacancies have created opportunities for five candidates who are seeking to be elected to the two open seats. All of the candidates in this race are exceptional and will govern well if elected to serve. They are vying in the Democratic Primary.

Voters will have the opportunity to choose from Malashai “Shai” Woodbury, Chenita Barber Johnson, Barbara Hanes Burke, Eunice Campbell and Alex Bohannon.  There is no Republican opposition in District 1, so the two Democrats that win the primary will likely be the next school board members from the district.

Over the last few weeks America has seen our youth come out in record numbers, demanding accountability from their government and access to the pursuit to shape policy. Alex Bohannon, 23, is a native of the city of Winston-Salem and a product of Parkland High School in District 1.

Bohannon has been endorsed by current incumbent Vic Johnson to fill his seat.

Barbara Hanes Burke has been in education for approximately 30 years and currently serves as Assistant Principal at Carver High School. The veteran leadership of Barbara Hanes Burke paired with the fresh and creative ideas of Alex Bohannon is a great recipe for moving our school system and our country forward.

The Chronicle endorses Alex Bohannon and Barbara Hanes Burke for the two vacant Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board seats in District 1.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board District 2

The Republican Primary in District 2 puts five candidates in a crowded race for only four available seats. Republican incumbents Lida Calvert Hayes, Dana Caudill Jones, Lori Goins Clark and David Singletary will have a heated primary now that newcomer Leah Crowley has geared up for her first run for political office. Crowley has been outspoken about her support for Home Field Advantage’s push to construct a new stadium adjacent to Hanes Park at Reynolds High School.

Three of four District 2 incumbents were elected in 2014. Lida Calvert Hayes later joined the board to fill a vacancy left by Jeannie Metcalf in 2015. Since that time, Calvert Hayes has proven to be a great addition to the board and an advocate for mentoring students at schools throughout the county.

The Chronicle endorses Lida Calvert Hayes, Dana Caudill Jones, Lori Clark Goins and David Singletary in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board Republican Primary for District 2.


Early voting starts today. The Board of Elections office on the second floor of the County Government Center will be the sole early voting site open on today, April 20 and 23-27 with hours from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Then four satellite sites will open April 30-May 4 from 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. at the Southside, Lewisville and Rural Hall libraries and VFW Post 5352 in Kernersville, in addition to the Board of Elections office, which will maintain its regular hours. Saturday, May 5, will be the last day of early voting as all five sites will be open from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.




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