

Church baptizes two in river

Church baptizes two in river
November 03
03:00 2016


Larry France Sr. became a candidate for baptism when he gave his life to Christ and joined First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC) earlier this year.

But France didn’t want the usual immersion in the baptismal pool.  He wanted to go to the river, and Senior Pastor Dennis W. Bishop agreed to honor his request.

When Pastor Bishop’s nephew, Parogio Stowe, heard about plans for a river baptism, he asked to be re-baptized.

On Sunday, Oct. 30, about 50 FWBC members and friends caravanned to the Yadkin River for the ceremony.

Under a glowing sun over the chilly waters of the Yadkin, Pastor Bishop and associate pastor Rev. Eddie Hightower baptized both candidates as several men of the church held safety ropes and the congregants sang Take Me to the Water.

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