

City announces further steps to address COVID-19 threat

City announces further steps to address COVID-19 threat
March 18
13:35 2020

Mayor Allen Joines, Mayor Pro Tempore Vivian H. Burke, and the members of the Winston-Salem City Council have approved additional measures to keep the community safe and ensure delivery of essential services while COVID-19 remains a threat in Winston-Salem.

City Manager Lee Garrity has formed a COVID-19 task force to manage the City’s response in order to maintain essential city services and promote the safety of the public and city employees as outlined in the city’s Continuity of Operations Plan.

City officials anticipate that the closure of schools and daycare centers will impact some city employees with children who are not able to find alternative childcare arrangements. Department heads have been given the discretion to develop alternate work schedules and shifts to ensure sufficient staffing to maintain essential city services.

City Facilities:

*All recreation centers will be closed until further notice, along with all programs and activities including after-school and WePLAY day camps and the senior feeding programs.

*The buildings at Bethabara Park, Salem Lake, and the Joe White Tennis Center also will be closed, but the park grounds will be open. Winston Lake and Reynolds Park golf courses will remain open because of limited employee contact with the public.

*All public assembly facilities including the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds, the Benton Convention Center, BB&T Ballpark and Bowman Gray Stadium are closed.

*City Hall and the Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building will operate under normal business hours for critical city business only that cannot be done online or over the phone.

City Services:

*Citizens who have to make utilities or other payments should use the city’s online payment system. Payment by check or cash can be made at the city’s drive-through payment windows at the Stuart building or the Black-Philips-Smith Government Office. There is also a night depository at the Stuart Building near the Church Street employee entrance.

*Contractors should apply for permits online or by phone and use the city’s electronic plan review and permitting system to minimize in-person meetings with city staff.

*Residents can call City Link to set up water service.

*City Link will be open to receive citizen requests, process payments and provide information.

*Existing housing rehabilitation projects will continue. However, the Community Development Department will suspend accepting new applications, including emergency repairs.

*The Community Development Department will suspend code enforcement activities except in cases involving life safety concerns.

*The Human Resources Department will be closed to walk-ins for job applications.

Public Safety:

*The Police Department will continue to respond to life-saving emergencies, serious crimes in progress, crimes against persons, death investigations and other calls for service. The Police Department will not respond to minor traffic accidents with no injuries. Individuals should exchange insurance and license information and clear the road as quickly as possible.

*The Fire Department has suspended response to medical calls at assisted living facilities. County EMS will provide first response for these calls.

Public Bus Service:

*WSTA will continue to provide fixed route bus service on all routes at current frequencies. Enhanced sanitation routines have been implemented.

For the latest information, go to CityofWS.org and click the Alerts bar at the top of the page.

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