College Fair set for Saturday at St. Stephen Baptist
Special to the Chronicle
St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church, 5000 Noble St., will hold a College Fair on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All students who are interested in furthering their studies are welcome to attend (middle school-adult).
The purpose of the event is to provide information regarding various colleges, financial options, and additional questions that may arise.
The fair is intended to make all more knowledgeable about how to strategically prepare for college and the application process.
The speaker for the event will be Dr. Karrie Gibson-Dixon. Dr. Karrie Gibson-Dixon serves as the Vice President for Academic and Student Success at the 17-campus University of North Carolina. Dixon works closely with campus vice chancellors for student affairs, university committees, and work groups focusing on community college transfers, minimum admission requirements, and academic and student policies.
Student-related programs under her oversight include financial aid, CFNC Pathways, NC State Approving Agency, and UNC Summer Bridge Academic and Retention Program.
James E. Cook is pastor of St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church.
For more information, contact the church office at 336-744-7303 or