

Commentary: A Senate procedural rule is standing in the way of progress. It’s time to eliminate it.

Commentary: A Senate procedural rule is standing in the way of progress. It’s time to eliminate it.
November 03
12:46 2021

By Cheri Beasley

I learned from a young age about the importance of our right to vote. Growing up, I listened as my grandparents and mother talked often about barriers to voting, as well as their efforts to fight for their fundamental right. 

When the 1965 Voting Rights Act passed, they celebrated in the belief that their children and grandchildren would be able to vote without obstacles to this most fundamental American right. They had reason to be optimistic. The legislation had survived attempts to use a Senate procedural rule, the filibuster, to block its passage. In the end, Democrats and Republicans stood together to enact that landmark legislation.

Sadly, some 56 years later, we are once again fighting to protect our most basic right as Americans. Just last week, I watched in dismay as Senate Republicans blocked debate on legislation to protect voting rights. Meanwhile, in 49 states across the country, including right here in North Carolina, we’re seeing a wave of Republican-led anti-voter legislation and gerrymandering. These measures make it harder for people to vote, especially people of color, rural voters, disabled Americans, and young voters.

Worse, a majority of Americans actually support protecting voting rights and the two bills that combat these state-led attacks – The John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. But they are currently being blocked using a Senate procedural rule, the filibuster. This arcane rule allows a minority of senators to block legislation and even simple debate on these important and popular issues. 
It’s wrong. And the threat doesn’t end there.

The filibuster is also standing in the way of protecting women’s reproductive freedom. In 2021 alone, state legislatures across the country have passed over 100 different restrictions that severely limit reproductive freedoms  – the most in a year since Roe v. Wade in 1973. 

This calculated nationwide assault on the constitutional rights secured by Roe v. Wade risks access to health care services and intervenes in what should be a personal decision between a woman and her doctor. The Senate could act to codify Roe’s protections right now, but again the filibuster stands in the way.

As our nation confronts urgent challenges like recovering from the pandemic, expanding access to affordable health care, addressing climate change, and reforming a broken criminal justice system, time and again broadly popular, commonsense solutions that Americans support are blocked by the filibuster. 

It’s time to eliminate it. 

As I travel across our state, I’m hearing from people who are worried. Not only about these issues, but also the failure of Washington to make progress in addressing them. From retirees in Asheville to college students in Elizabeth City, North Carolinians deserve to know how their next U.S. senator will protect our fundamental rights and make meaningful progress to strengthen our state, support our economy and make life better for the next generation, and the world we want them to grow up in.

North Carolina’s current senators aren’t getting the job done, which is why next year’s election is so important.

I’m running for the U.S. Senate – for the same reason I became a public defender and later a judge and chief justice: the pursuit of justice. I truly believe that when we are motivated by justice – and a stubborn, relentless refusal to see it abandoned – we can overcome the forces of division and disillusionment that continue to hold us back.

Right now, Republicans in Washington are using the filibuster to hold us back. They have weaponized a procedural rule to block legislation the voters in our state and our nation support, and put the rights of North Carolinians at risk. 

Before his death, Congressman John Lewis wrote: “Time is of the essence to preserve the integrity and promises of our democracy.” 

We can’t wait any longer as politicians obstruct efforts to safeguard our constitutional rights and to do the work Congress is elected to do. 

In the Senate, I’ll fight tirelessly for the people of our state. And when I vote, I’ll be voting with the people of our state in mind. North Carolinians deserve nothing less.

Cheri Beasley has earned the endorsement of over 180 leaders, including over 100 faith leaders, as well as major organizations including EMILY’s ListEnd Citizens United// Let America Vote, the Congressional Black Caucus, PACHigher Heights for America PACPlanned Parenthood Action Fund, and The Collective PAC. Cheri Beasley outraised every candidate running for Senate in North Carolina in the two most recent fundraising quarters.

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