Commentary: Deception and make believe made up the GOP Convention

By Dr. James B. Ewers Jr.
I say to myself, you’re such a lucky guy. But it was just my imagination, once again runnin’ away with me.
The lyrics of this song by The Temptations could have served as the backdrop for the Republican National Convention.
There were in my opinion two major themes of this gathering of unmasked convention goers. First, law and order for the Republicans starts with them, ends with them, and is defined by them. If you are not a member of the GOP, you do not have a say in what constitutes crime and punishment.
Mr. T and his crowd talked about “mobs” in the streets, but were unwilling to talk about peaceful protestors in the streets. Throughout that four-day fairytale experience, they were not willing to say that Black Lives Matter.
Speaker after speaker tried to paint this president as caring and considerate. They failed miserably. You cannot take the spots off a leopard nor can you take the meanness out of Mr. T. It is impossible.
Last Thursday, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris gave a scathing account of the president’s lack of leadership. She said, “He does not understand the presidency and has shown a reckless disregard for the American people.”
That reckless disregard has manifested itself in multiple ways.
Currently, there are nearly six million coronavirus cases in this country. Sadly, over 181,000 people have passed away. These numbers did not have to be if the president had created a national response to COVID-19.
Incompetence and mismanagement have been the characterizations of his administration.
In his Republican acceptance speech, he touted the economy. His remarks do not match up to reality. Our unemployment is now at 10% and millions of Americans have filed or will be filing for unemployment.
He ignored the fact that Jacob Blake, an African American man in Kenosha, Wis., was shot in the back seven times. This shooting took place in front of his three children. Cold and insensitive are what this president is.
Some in the African American community have been fooled by his rhetoric. Senator Tim Scott and Secretary Ben Carson have become avid followers of the sitting president. I wonder if they believe him or are they afraid of losing their power and platform?
In last Thursday’s remarks, Kamala Harris said, “The purpose of the Republican National Convention was to soothe Donald Trump’s ego.” I, along with countless others, agree with her assertion.
We have a little more than 60 days before we cast our ballots for president. Our democracy will depend upon what we do with our vote.
They have a sideshow with Mr. T as the ringleader. He has created clowns and puppets out of a few citizens.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want an inclusive America. Let us help them get our country back as it has been in the hands of the enemy for way too long. The race has grown tighter because of their convention so we cannot lighten up. There is simply too much at stake.
Can we take another four years of him? The answer is a resounding no!
We must vote under the banner of truth and honesty. Our determination must be steadfast and our resolve must push us to the polls. Voting gets us to right. Not voting keeps us in wrong.
We have had enough of wrong. Now is the time to be about right. Let us vote.
James B. Ewers Jr. is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired college administrator and can be reached at