Commentary: S.C. senator will not support judicial pick

By James B Ewers Jr.
Elected officials represent the electorate, but also represent themselves. Too many times recently, we have watched people we put in office make questionable votes. As a result, they have been booed out of restaurants. Just ask Sen. Mitch McConnell about some of his dining experiences. Also, don’t forget about Sen. Ted Cruz, who was booed out of a D.C. restaurant in September.
People are becoming increasingly irritated over elected officials kowtowing to political pressure. The current administration is particularly good at this practice. Unfortunately, they have become puppets. You can guess who the ringleader is. He lives in Washington, D.C. and sees nothing wrong in cajoling power from elected officials and using it for his personal gain. Sadly, he bloviates about these conquests as if he were a king.
Since the passing of Sen. John McCain, the Senate has almost become benign. Individual thinking and robust discussions are now, in my opinion, a thing of the past. Back in the day, senators like Bob Dole, John Kerry, John McCain and Ted Kennedy all contributed mightily to the political discourse in our country. They disagreed and still maintained their respect for both each other and for the high standards of the body.
The polarization in the Senate is at an all time high, in my opinion. Meanness seems to be the mantra of the day. Yet in this season of unprecedented discord, there may be a glimmer of light. Yes, a guiding light to lead us out of the darkness.
Recently, Thomas Farr was nominated to become a U.S. District judge in my home state of North Carolina. Farr has already been linked to allegations of voter suppression and voter fraud. My suspicion is when men like Farr and women like Cindy Hyde-Smith link themselves to racial inequality in any form, they think that they won’t get caught or that it doesn’t matter. Well, it does matter, and they will be caught. Sometimes your wiggle won’t waggle even if Mr. T stands by your side. While Mike Espy lost to Hyde-Smith in the Mississippi run-off election, I believe better days are ahead for the citizens of that state.
I believe Thomas Farr thought that because he was nominated for this judgeship, that he was well on his way to getting it. Wrong! In fact, in one fell swoop, he went from fame to infamous.
Tim Scott is the only black person in the United States Senate. He is from South Carolina and he has said no to Farr’s nomination. Jeff Flake, senator from Arizona, has also said no to Farr’s wanting to be a federal judge. At this moment, Thomas Farr reminds me of Little Anthony and the Imperials when they sang, “I’m on the outside looking in and want to be on the inside with you.” Mr. Farr, you are on the outside and will be in the foreseeable future.
Others weighed in on the Farr nomination. In a prepared statement, Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum said, “Thomas Farr’s record of hostility and disregard for fundamental civil rights disqualifies him for a lifetime appointment that will allow him to codify his discriminatory ideology into law.”
Senator Scott, who also turned a deaf ear to the appellate nomination of Ryan Bounds, may become a much-needed voice of reason in the Senate. Somewhere in heaven, the late Sen. Edward Brooke is smiling and saying, Well done, Tim Scott.
James B. Ewers Jr., Ed.D., is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University. He is a retired college administrator. He can be reached at