County will receive $122,169 in royalties for tax program
Farragut’s Shail and Sucheta Jain (center) stand with County MIS’s Ryan Marshburn and David Kwiatkowski, and County Tax’s Glen West, Mike Pollock, Nolan Lawson and John Burgiss, as some of the many county staff were recognized who contributed to an appraisal program that has earned the county $122,169 in royalties.

Forsyth County government will receive a total of $122,169 for a property tax appraisal program it developed that‘s being used by counties across the state.
The royalties come from the North Carolina Property Tax System (NCPTS) software offered to counties by the NC Association of County Commissioners. In 2012, Forsyth County transferred a CAMA (Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal) program it created to the NCPTS. As part of the agreement, Forsyth was to receive 10% of CAMA implementation fees for the system over the next seven years.
NCPTS is being used in counties across the state, including in Forsyth, Mecklenburg and Guilford. It supports 51% of the statewide property tax base.
The system is managed by Farragut Systems, Inc., a Durham-based software company. Farragut’s co-founders CEO Shail Jain and CCO Sucheta Jain presented Forsyth County commissioners with its first royalty check of $82,596 during a county briefing on Nov. 7. More royalties will come to Forsyth as other counties that use the system make payments over time, totaling $122,169 all together.
Some of the many county staff with Management Information Systems (MIS) and the Tax Department who worked together to develop the system were recognized during the briefing.
“It’s a reflection of the intellectual capacity of the county when you create your own program,” said County Manager Dudley Watts. “The depth of your knowledge has to be remarkable.”
Shail Jain said that Forsyth’s appraisal system has been a model for other counties and he’s even had a county in Louisiana express interest in using NCPTS.