Crisis Control Ministry holiday card sales to benefit local community
This is an example of a Holiday Honor Card by William Mangum that is on sale for Crisis Control Ministry this year.

The sale of 2018 Crisis Control Ministry Holiday Honor Cards is underway, marking more than 22 years that the local organization has offered cards that make a positive difference in the community.
“People love our holiday cards because they’re a meaningful alternative gift that honors the recipient and also benefits Crisis Control’s work with economically vulnerable people in Forsyth county,” said Margaret Elliott, Executive Director of Crisis Control Ministry.
For a minimum donation of $5 per card, Crisis Control Holiday Honor Cards can be sent by the purchaser themselves, or be signed and sent by Crisis Control volunteers. All proceeds from these cards directly benefit Crisis Control. Donations are tax deductible. Two design options are available – one by graphic artist Beth Jones and one by well-known local artist William Mangum.
For 31 years, Mangum’s Honor Card program has raised over $6 million for various organizations that assist individuals and families across the state including Crisis Control Ministry here in Forsyth County.
For more information and to purchase holiday honor cards from Crisis Control Ministry, please visit or contact Vicki Jones at )336) 201-5290 or
CCM will take orders through Dec. 20.