

DivorceCare Seminar offers hope and healing

DivorceCare Seminar offers hope and healing
July 14
06:00 2016


The Stephen Ministry at United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church (UMMBC) is offering its fourth, 13-week DivorceCare seminar starting on Monday, Aug. 1.

A broad range of topics are covered during the seminar, including how to face anger, loneliness and depression, developing new relationships, financial survival and single sexuality, reconciliation and forgiveness, moving on and growing closer with God.

The UMMBC DivorceCare program provides help and healing for those hurt from separation and divorce and is open to the public.

According to Cornelious Flood, one of the UMMBC Stephen Ministry leaders, the program is meeting expectations.  “Every participant enrolled has completed the entire 13 week program,” he said.

Participant feedback has been positive also. They have discovered that they do not have to go through their pain alone, that what they are going through is normal, and that it is okay to talk about it and get help.

One participant shared that the program has helped her through her separation and the emotions she felt such as anger, bitterness and stress.

“I think the videos were very helpful because they outline all these emotions and how to cope, along with scripture and the group discussion,” she said. The workbooks also provided good information that she could reference later and the group discussions were helpful. “There would be days when I would feel down, so when we would  discuss these feelings and talked, it made a difference,” she went on to say.

The facilitators were very helpful, understanding, caring and good listeners.  This is a great program.  Group facilitators have been trained and all have experienced divorce.

Participants also discover that UMMBC is more than just a church service  on Sunday  and Bible study on Wednesday. It reaches out to the entire community and embraces the needs people may have and addresses them through various ministries.

Flood says that “Participants rediscover hope and peace, realize the power of God, start to heal, and feel much better about themselves when they complete the program.”

And sometimes a life is saved.

Some divorced people feel embarrassed and ashamed to tell or talk about it. And many African-American churches do not have an ongoing ministry to help individuals deal with the pain and hurt of divorce or separation.

Separated or divorced people who would like to join the 13-week program should complete an online registration form at: https://beyondthesanctu-ary.wordpress.com/divorce care-ministry.

DivorceCare is a comprehensive, Christ-centered divorce recovery ministry. The 13-week program holds meetings once per week for two hours. There is a nominal registration fee of $15 to cover participant workbooks. Child care is also available.

For additional information, contact the church office at church@united-metropolitan.org or call 336-761-1358. A complete UMMBC DivorceCare meeting schedule can be located online at:  http://www.divorce-care.org/groups/62759.

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