Drop-in sessions center on Belews Lake
Forsyth County is considering the purchase, preservation and development of approximately 215 acres of Duke Energy land for a new public park site on Craig Road in Belews Creek.

Forsyth County is considering the purchase, preservation and development of approximately 215 acres of Duke Energy land for a new public park site on Craig Road in Belews Creek.
To gauge public interest and evaluate input, Forsyth County staff is holding two general information drop-in sessions at the Belews Creek Fire Department located at 7675 Belews Creek Road, Belews Creek, NC on Dec. 10, 2018 and Jan. 14, 2019, from 6-8 p.m. both evenings. An online survey will be available on Dec. 10 at www.forsyth.cc/parks.
The County anticipates any future development to be of the “passive park” variety with amenities like hiking trails, picnicking, and bank fishing. Detailed plans would not be developed unless and until County Commissioners approve the purchase.
For more information, please contact Mike Anderson, Forsyth County Parks and Recreation, Director, at (336) 703-2500 or andersmb@forsyth.cc.