

Editorial: Happy Birthday to Us

Editorial: Happy Birthday to Us
September 12
00:00 2013

With little fanfare, we turned 39-years-old last week.

When The Chronicle was born in 1974, its survival wasn’t assured. In fact, the odds were against us, as few gave a small weekly newspaper centered around African American community news a snowball’s chance. We are still here today because of you — our loyal readers.

Our mission from the beginning has always been to share the type of news that otherwise would never see the light of day. Journalism has long lived by the “if it bleeds, it leads” philosophy. We ignored that mantra and continue to do so today.

This e-World we now live in has not been kind to our industry. Unable to compete with blogs, YouTube and Facebook — popular sources of so-called news — newspapers around the nation have gone under, slashed staffs or are wading mightily to stay afloat. We have not been immune, far from it. When white-owned businesses catch a cold, black-owned ones have full-scale pneumonia.

We have embraced technology, welcoming it as a conduit to spread our message even further rather than as a dreaded foe, but we are old school and believe that there is nothing like holding an actual paper and seeing and reading about our friends and neighbors.

Longevity has taught us how to survive, but it has not made the struggle easier; challenges remain.

It’s hard to convince advertisers that there is a value in promoting their businesses, churches and events in an African American-owned publication like The Chronicle.

And it’s not just whites who are wary of black media. Believe it or not, many blacks — even those who depend on this paper to tout their goings-on for free — turn to the daily newspaper, television and billboards for their paid advertising needs.

We would also like every black — and non-black — household in the city to have a Chronicle subscription. It’s not enough that you see the paper at work or borrow your neighbor’s copy. A newspaper’s circulation numbers matter greatly, but, more importantly, we have a good product and a lot to say. We are accepting birthday presents: a year’s subscription — 52 issues — is just $18. Call 336-722-8624 ext. 100 to get yours, and thank-you in advance.

We owe much to all of our longtime subscribers and readers. Your support has kept us going; your encouragement has been equally as important.

To everyone: Stay tuned, because we have a lot more to share.



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