
Editorial: On Labor Day, remember those who labor for us

Editorial: On Labor Day, remember those who labor for us
August 30
10:39 2018

Labor Day is approaching, and no doubt thoughts of grilling food, watching sports or other programs on TV and resting are on the minds of many people.

However, Labor Day was formed out of the United States labor movement.

According to the Department of Labor, “Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”

The first Monday in September of each year first became a holiday in cities as early as 1884. Then, states adopted the day as a holiday and it spread though out the nation.

We have been celebrating Labor Day for a long time.

Now, in 2018, the celebration can take on special significance if we remember its roots in honoring American workers. Labor movements are thought of as coming out of “big business,” so we know we should remember those workers. But this year, let’s remember small business workers, too. And let’s remember the workers who toil to educate our children. And let’s remember the workers who work in government offices, helping us with our personal business. And let’s remember the workers who help our loved ones in nursing homes and even hospice. Let’s remember the American worker, whatever job he or she might have.

No doubt the steaks, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers and such will still be grilled and eaten on Labor Day, but maybe a part of our day can be dedicated to remembering who processed, packaged and sold us the food we are about to eat.

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WS Chronicle

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