

Father’s Day Brunch honors fathers, mentors, role models

Last weekend dozens of men and boys came together for the Annual Father's Day Brunch on the campus of Winston-Salem State University.

Father’s Day Brunch honors fathers, mentors, role models
June 20
08:57 2019

For the past four years, brothers Antonio and LaKeith Stevenson have celebrated Father’s Day by inviting local men and boys to brunch. And this year the event, held on the campus of Winston-Salem State University, was bigger than ever. From humble beginnings with just a few dozen in attendance, this year more than 50 men and boys attended the event.

When he started the Father’s Day Brunch in 2016, Antonio Stevenson said he wanted to create a platform where he could honor the fathers, mentors, and other male role models in our community. After the first year, LaKeith Stevenson decided to help his brother with the event and attendance has grown every year since.

Along with brunch, the event also included entertainment and a guest speaker.

City native and WSSU alumnus Jayson Sloan delivered the keynote address. Sloan, who serves as the youth pastor at St. Peters Church and World Outreach Center, encouraged those who may not have a good relationship with their fathers. Sloan said although he didn’t meet his father until he was 28 years old, he doesn’t dwell on the things his father didn’t do; instead he is focused on building a working relationship with him now.

“When I think about the work of a father, understand this: net worth is the value of all assets minus the total of all liabilities. So when we look at liabilities, of course we could talk about he wasn’t there, he didn’t show up, he missed several birthdays,” continued Sloan. “I could look at all of the things that my father did not do, but his net worth is the asset that he is to me now, minus all of those liabilities. So for you who have bad relationships with your fathers, I just want to tell you today – get rid of the liabilities and see him for who he really is.”

Following brunch and the address, the Stevenson brothers recognized several men for their commitment to uplifting our community and the next generation of men who will follow in their footsteps. Honorees were Marlon Davis, Ben Stevenson, Dr. Nathan Scovens, Ralph Fisher, and Cedric Russell.

Proceeds from the brunch will support My Brother’s Second Chance and Sources United, two local nonprofit organizations designed to save lost youth by providing knowledge and teaching life skills that will prepare them to become productive and successful adults.

When discussing his organization, Sources United, LaKeith Stevenson said although his organization is still fairly new, they plan to hit the ground running. Next month Stevenson has planned a trip to the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham.

“We’re coming into the community hard. We’re going to be knocking on doors and everything; we want to restore our community.” Stevenson said.

While giving his closing remarks, Antonio Stevenson said events like the Father’s Day Brunch are important because it gives young men a chance to connect with positive male role models. He said, “I’m on these guys so hard because I don’t want to read about them in the paper. I don’t ever want to read their obituary. I’d rather they read mine.

“I thank you for your support because with your help, we can continue to save lives. Sources United is in the business of saving lives. My Brothers Second Chance is in the business of saving lives.”

For more information on My Brother’s Second Chance, visit https://www.mybrotherssecondchance.com. For more information on Sources United or the trip to the Civil Rights Institute, contact LaKeith Stevenson at 336-864-0046.

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Tevin Stinson

Tevin Stinson

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