First Waughtown Baptist celebrates College Day

First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC) recognized 11 high school and college graduates during its College Day service Sunday, June 12. Each graduate received a congratulatory gift from the church in a drive-thru event Thursday, June 16. The annual observance celebrated the academic achievements of the following scholars:
High School Graduates:
*Shamara Boston graduated from Carver High School and will attend Forsyth Technical Community College to study nursing. She is the daughter of Ms. Lisa Pugh and Mr. Broderick Boston.
*Diamond Ann Brown graduated from The School for Creative Studies in Durham. She is the daughter of Ms. Valaria Brown, granddaughter of Mrs. Jean Brown, and niece of Ms. Ann Brown.
*Isaiah Myers graduated from Parkland High School. Accepted by four Triad institutions, he has opted to take a gap year to explore hands-on job opportunities. He is the son of Ms. Louise Myers.
*Terrell Robinson, Jr. graduated from Mount Tabor High School and will attend St. Augustine’s University. He is the son of Min. and Mrs. Brian (JoCelia) Cager and Mr. Terrell Robinson, Sr.
*Camian Shell, Jr. graduated from Winston-Salem Christian School and plans to attend a four-year university in the fall. He is the son of Ms. Lanicia Carter.
*Kabari Walker graduated from East Forsyth High School and will attend Morehouse College. The son of Min. Carmenita Frazier, he received the FWBC E. L. Grant Scholarship. The $1,500 award is named in memory of Pastor Emeritus Grant, the church’s fourth senior pastor.
*Alasia Wilson graduated from Parkland High School and plans to attend East Carolina University to study biology. She is the daughter of Ms. Christie Robinson and Mr. Sean Wilson.
University Graduates:
*Na’Kiah Dillard, daughter of Ms. Lakena Dillard and Mr. Anthony Johnson, graduated from UNC-Greensboro with a bachelor’s degree in biology.
*Devin Higgins received his bachelor’s degree in information technology from UNC-Pembroke. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis (Aretha) Williams.
*Kendra Ijames graduated with a master’s degree in human resources development with a certificate in inclusion and diversity strategy from Villanova University. She is the daughter of Mrs. Carolyn Ijames and the late Mr. Alan Ijames.
*Christian Martin received the bachelor’s degree in fine arts in professional theatre (acting) from North Carolina A&T State University and plans to pursue graduate study at the New York Film Academy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Tameca) Martin, Jr.
Dr. Dennis W. Bishop, senior pastor of FWBC, delivered the morning message from 2 Chronicles 34:1-8, the biblical account of Josiah’s 31-year reign in Judah that began when he was just eight years old. Dr. Bishop reminded the graduates that Josiah did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He advised them that they should remember who they are, whose they are, where they come from, and those who helped them get where they are.
Graduation, he said, isn’t just for personal gain. “Reach back and help others,” he told the FWBC Class of 2022.