Food Stamps issued early for the month of February
Forsyth County Department of Social Services (FCDSS) is working diligently to ensure the community is aware of the various changes due to the Federal shutdown.

Forsyth County Department of Social Services (FCDSS) is working diligently to ensure the community is aware of the various changes due to the Federal shutdown. We have received official correspondence from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) that Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) funds will be issued early for the month of February. Please note the following:
Forsyth County Resident with Active FNS Services
*FNS funds for the month of February will be issued on January 20, 2019. These funds will be loaded to your designated electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card. The funds released on January 20, 2019 are not bonus or additional for the month of January, 2019 but is the allocation for February 2019. No more FNS funds will be issued until federal funding is authorized or the federal shutdown is resolved. Please budget wisely for food purchases.
*Residents with a food stamp recertification action required in January 2019 will be extended through February 2019. Your assigned caseworker will contact you via mail or telephone if any action is required.
For Forsyth County residents with new FNS applications submitted in January:
*FCDSS will continue to accept and process new FNS applications based on the USDA guidelines. However, FNS funds will be issued based on the guidelines below:
*FNS applications submitted and processed in January 2019 and classified as “expedited” will have funds issued via the EBT card. FCDSS will process “expedited” applications first, followed by non-expedited applications. Note: “Expedited” households are determined by families with a $150 or less in income or families that total household expenses exceed the household income. We are waiting for guidance on when these funds will be issued.
*We are waiting on further guidance from the USDA on the issuance of FNS funds for new applications submitted between Jan. 21 and Jan. 30 that are classified as “non-expedited.”
Please contact (336) 703-3800 if you have any questions concerning your application status. Please refer to the list of food banks and pantries if you are experiencing a crisis at