

For Seniors only poem: Stuck at home during COVID-19

For Seniors only poem: Stuck at home during COVID-19
May 27
14:54 2020

By Dorothy E. D’Annunzio

You’re stuck at home, you’re all alone

With kids, a man and a dog.

You want some wine but it’s only nine,

Some days you’re in a fog.

You try your hand at teaching – 

What else is there to do?

The kids are always screeching,

One painted the other one blue.

Your husband is now a couch potato,

He flicks through every channel.

He won’t give up the remote control –

It’s more than you can handle.

He wants a home-cooked meal tonight,

He means you and not himself.

Do I look like Betty Crocker? you ask,

There’s Mac ‘N Cheese on the shelf.

Your hair’s a mess, your eyebrows are bushy,

Your nails are such a fright.

Your stylist is not working because

The salons are closed up tight.

You finally brave the grocery store,

You wear your gloves and mask.

The shelves have all been emptied.

Where’s the toilet paper? you ask.

This quarantine won’t last forever.

We’ll soon be free to roam.

For now the family is healthy, but crabby.

God Bless our little home.

Dorothy E. D’Annunzio lives in Midway, N.C. with her husband and two cats.

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