Free virtual symposium to offer help for those caring for loved ones with dementia

ACAP (Adult Children of Aging Parents) presents the virtual symposium “Caring and Coping: When a Loved One Has Dementia,” on Friday, Nov. 5, 1-4:15 p.m, Teepa Snow, world-renowned dementia expert, is the program speaker. Registration is required, but there is no cost to attend. The virtual symposium is offered via Zoom.
More than 5 million people in the U.S. have some form of dementia. Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging. The symposium will help families and professionals learn how to effectively interact with and care for someone who has dementia and discover ways to cope with the inherent challenges.
The symposium will cover several important topics, including:
*Insight into the many forms of dementia
*What happens with brain changes
*Recent research findings into dementia
*Practical tips for a positive approach to caring for a loved one or client with dementia
Teepa Snow, one of the world’s leading advocates and educators for dementia and other forms of brain change, is the symposium presenter. She is back by popular demand from last year’s symposium attendees. With over 40 years of rich and varied clinical and academic experiences as an occupational therapist, educator, and in-demand speaker, Teepa combines engaging stories, real-life experiences, compassionate humor and practical tips to help attendees gain greater understanding of dementia, increase their knowledge about reasons people with brain change do what they do, and learn ways to care for a loved one or care recipient who has dementia.
The symposium is supported by sustaining partner EveryAge, presenting sponsor Home Instead, and 21 local businesses, agencies and organizations in ACAP chapter areas.
ACAP (Adult Children of Aging Parents) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with local chapters currently in Hickory, Statesville, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro, as well as in State College, Pennsylvania. The mission of ACAP is to provide information, resources, support and community for adult children as they care for their aging parents and for themselves. ACAP’s monthly educational programs, videos, podcasts and other resources are free and open to all.
For more information or to register for the symposium, or to learn more about ACAP, its programs and its local chapters, go to All chapters are accessed through the national website. Look for Winston-Salem under the “Find Your Chapter” tab. To follow on Facebook, search for ACAP Winston-Salem.
Currently, local monthly meetings are being held virtually until it is deemed safe to meet in person. When in-person meetings resume, they will be held on the 3rd Tuesday, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Knollwood Baptist Church, 330 Knollwood St,, Winston-Salem. Those wanting to receive monthly invitations for virtual meetings, please email, or leave a voicemail at 336-652-0474.