Group gathers at street corner, hands out food

The chapter of Lady Georgia Burgess No. 97 out of Rural Hall, of the Order of Eastern Star, has been giving back to the triad area for 20 years, the group says in a press release. “Giving back should be second nature, that’s why we treat it that way. We’re a group that’s devoted to serving our communities, so that’s what we do,” the group said.
It’s the close of summer with temperatures averaging at least 90 degrees every day, but this group of women is still determined to hit the streets and disperse bags of food to those in need.
On Sunday, Aug. 26, the bunch congregated in the streets of downtown Winston-Salem at the corner of Patterson Avenue and Ninth Street to hand-deliver parcels of food in the surrounding neighborhood.
“We were so blessed to be able to give away all that we had,” the group said. Some of the inquiring members of the community wanted to know more about the women who were handing out meals with a smile. “For the women of Lady Georgia Burgess, service is love put into action it’s our way of reaching out and touching a needing hand and hoping it will inspire others to do the same.”
Between giving out their bi-annual scholarship (which will be given away in the spring of 2019), donating and participating in walks for multiple causes, such as multiple sclerosis, breast cancer awareness and heart disease and stroke, they hold multiple fundraisers all year. The proceeds go toward servicing the surrounding community.
To contact the Lady Georgia Burgess group, email