Happy Hill celebration marks 25th anniversary

On the weekend of Friday, July 13, citizens gathered at Happy Hill Park and the William C. Sims Sr. Community Center to celebrate the rich history of the Happy Hill community.
During the opening ceremonies, reunion organizer, Pastor Antonio Spillman, and the reunion committee presented large clock awards to co-founders William “Rock” Bitting and city of Winston-Salem Recreation and Parks Department retiree Ben Piggot at the Sims Community Center.
Throughout the weekend, the community members were treated to food, fellowship, live entertainment and activities. A history of the community as well as the reunion were also presented to the crowd.
The two men started the oldest African-American community reunion, known as Happy Hill, over 25 years ago. The Happy Hill community is the oldest of all predominately African-American communities in the city.
Russell’s Funeral Home along with former Happy Hill resident Rick Higginbotham presented Bitting and Piggott with a founders rug with their faces engraved on it for this special occasion.
Piggott, who recently stepped down as coordinator, gave Spillman a ceremonial necklace to continue leading and organizing the Happy Hill Commuinity Reunion.
Piggott and Bitting said they would like to thank God for making the program possible. They said they would also like to thank Pastor Antonio Spillman, Latonya Brown, Sharon Coleman, Joy Davis, Michael Gentry, Sherman Hanes, Tammy Hatchett, Natalie Hatchett, Tim Howell, Gerri Johns, Jack Jordan, Kim Reeves, Rev. James Rowdy and Minister Michael Whisonant.
“We wanted to give a special thanks to City Council Member Derwin Montgomery, Loretta Hatchett and Maurice Pitts Johnson for their outstanding work in the community,” said Piggott. and Maurice Pitts Johnson for their outstanding work in the community,” said Piggott.