Editorial: Hurricane Florence shouldn’t make us complacent in Triad

The warnings were ever coming and long-lasting. We kept hearing that we should be prepared and were told what to do. We were given tips on what to do before Hurricane Florence and after. We were primed and expected to be hammered with wind and rain.
Then, the hurricane took a turn, and it took a turn in our favor. The Triad had been in the bull’s-eye of the hurricane, but the turn spared us the misery that our fellow North Carolinians are enduring now on the coast.
2018 hurricane season is not over. More hurricanes could come. The next one might not turn.
We should be grateful that we were spared the brunt of Hurricane Florence and reach out and help our fellow North Carolinians who need help. Remember what our officials are saying: Be careful where you give; don’t get scammed.
One of the best ways to help can is not necessarily to give money but to volunteer to help in relief efforts.
No matter the way you help, we all need to do our part in some way and remember: Next time it could be us.