

KC Piano Service

KC Piano Service
November 27
08:28 2024

Krista Coppedge opened KC Piano Service in 2010. “My passion for music, musicians and pianos, as well as the love for independence that being a business owner brings, helped me start my business,” she explained. “I focus on high-level, high-quality work. I see my work as a collaboration between artist and instrument and strive to create an environment that facilitates beautiful music.”

Coppedge said being new to Winston-Salem, she looks forward to networking and meeting new people. “I am new to the area, so I hope to keep meeting and expanding my network in the local music community. Supporting local artists is a passion of mine, so creating a space for musicians, especially young pianists, is something I look to create for the future.”

One thing she loves about her work is developing a relationship with her clients. “I love meeting my clients and their pianos, and developing a deep relationship with them. It is special to be invited into their homes and given a look into their personal lives. What a privilege to be entrusted in caring for their instruments.

“Every day is full of little moments that make me proud. Fixing a sticky key, bringing a neglected piano back to life, easing the stress of a touring musician, inspiring a little girl to pick up a screwdriver…”

KC Piano Service is located at 1400 Chelsea St. in Winston-Salem. For more information, go to www.kristacoppedge.com, email Krista at krista@kristacoppedge.com, or call 904-909-5497. Follow her on social media: @thepianofixer. 


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