

Letter to the Editor: Roy Cooper and redistricting

Letter to the Editor: Roy Cooper and redistricting
February 11
00:00 2016

The chickens in front of Roy Cooper’s office are there to symbolize how he as a candidate is afraid (chicken) to “debate” and discuss his stands on the critical issues facing the people of our state. He is hiding from the voters his stands and beliefs on matters which are severely impacting the lives of all North Carolinians.

What is also amazing is not only does Roy Cooper hide from the issues being addressed in debates, but Roy Cooper also hides from the issues being specifically included on his own website.

My website and public statements clearly present where I stand on my strong support for: more public education funding; raising teacher pay beyond the national average; reinstating teacher tenure; raising state employee pay; raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by the end of my four-year term; no fracking; no offshore drilling; creating jobs in smaller counties as well as our larger counties; Medicaid expansion; and so many other issues for every voter to see and evaluate.

Roy Cooper’s unwillingness to debate or put on his website where he stands on the many issues facing our state today clearly shortchanges the public and takes the people of this state “for granted.” I call upon my opponent to debate and let the people know where he stands.

Ken Spaulding, Democrat for Governor

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