

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
January 11
03:00 2018

New tax law hurts those in working class families

To the Editor:

This new tax giveaway removes healthcare for 13 million Americans, and dumps over $1.5 trillion dollars of debt onto the American public while continuing to perpetuate the sad mythology which says by giving the rich more, we all do better.

This plan completely ignores what we all know to be the truth: Extra money given back to the working class will go into the economy at a much higher rate than money given to the wealthy.

While millions in our nation prepared for the holidays with the stark reality of the loss of healthcare and an uncertain future, our nation’s most powerful elected officials decided to take from those without to give more to our nation’s wealthiest 1 percent, who already own 40 percent of our nation’s wealth.

According to one estimate, by 2027, individuals making over a million dollars will see an additional tax giveaway of $5.8 billion more; yet those making $40,000-50,000 will pay an extra $5.3 billion more in taxes.

What Congress has continued to show is that far from representing the interests of the people, our nation’s policies disproportionately favor the wealthy.

Our democracy becomes healthy only when the politics and polices emanating from Congress reflect the American people and not solely the interests of corporations or our wealthiest citizens.

The NAACP unequivocally stands in strong opposition to this tax giveaway.

NAACP, Baltimore, Maryland

Note: The bill was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Dec. 22, 2017.

Group applauds Trump disbanding of Election Integrity Commission

To the Editor:

The President’s Election Integrity Commission was a vehicle launched for the singular purpose of laying the groundwork to promote voter suppression policies on a national scale.  This unprecedented effort demonstrated this administration’s clear hostility to voting rights.  We mounted successful litigation against the administration that exposed its failure to abide by federal transparency requirements and vowed to keep fighting until the Commission was terminated. Today’s [Jan. 3, 2018] Executive Order disbanding the Commission is a victory for those who are concerned about ensuring access to the ballot box across the country.

That said, we will remain vigilant. As with the Muslim Ban, this administration has a track record of repackaging and reissuing old and discriminatory policies.  At every turn, we will fight this administration’s attempts to restrict the voting rights of ordinary Americans.

Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights, Washington, D.C.

Group praises panel for striking congressional maps

To the Editor:

A bipartisan three-judge federal panel sided with North Carolina voters today [Jan. 9], finding that the N.C. General Assembly’s partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional and voters should pick their congressional representatives, not the other way around.

We applaud the court’s decision on behalf of all voters in North Carolina and the work of the plaintiffs and their legal teams, who worked tirelessly to hold the North Carolina legislature’s brazen partisan gerrymander to account.

In every corner of this state our supporters have rallied again and again to demand our lawmakers draw fair maps, and with this ruling we expect the N.C. General Assembly to adhere to the court’s order and finally listen to their constituents.

Tomas Lopez, executive director, Democracy North Carolina, Durham

Note: On Jan. 9, a federal three-judge panel for North Carolina’s Middle District has struck down North Carolina’s 2016 congressional plan as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander. In striking down the maps, the federal court said, “On its most fundamental level, partisan gerrymandering violates ‘the core principle of republican government . . . that the voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.'” The court’s order can be found at demnc.co/ruchoruling.

According the federal court’s Jan. 9 ruling, the North Carolina General Assembly has until Jan. 29 to enact a remedial plan. The court also plans to employ a special master to draw an alternative remedial plan, to be enacted before the 2018 congressional elections.

Democracy North Carolina is a statewide nonpartisan organization that uses research, organizing, and training to increase civic participation, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and remove systemic barriers to voting and serving in elected office.

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