

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A great nation and a black man’s heritage

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A great nation and a black man’s heritage
March 08
12:46 2018

What really makes America a great nation?

To the Editor:

What really makes a nation great? Is it leadership, location, resources, money, or democracy?

Of course, all these things play a role, but more importantly it’s the people that make a nation great. The people who work hard and reap the rewards from their labor. The people who overcome the minor and major obstacles and challenges that life presents. The people who understand and know how to find light when they are surrounded by darkness. The people who help their neighbors. The people who love each other. These are the things that make a nation great.

America can’t boast of freedom when society shackles its members. America cannot boast of equality when its citizens are not treated equally.

Yes, America can accumulate great riches and even greater debts; however this country will not truly be great if we don’t stop the violence and hatred toward each other.

No one man, woman or race is responsible, no matter how small or large, we all play a role in our society and if we become complacent we are just as guilty as those who hate.

I’m not suggesting that we all stand on the front line and protest, but I am saying we must all take responsibility and do more to make American great again.

Monica Cooper, Winston- Salem

Black man’s poem honors his heritage

To the Editor:

I was – I Am

What is my name do you remember me

Do you know who I was

Before we were brought across the sea

I think I know you who you are

Your name tells where you are from

But my identity is unknown thus far

Or the country from whence I come

Did you see where my ancestors walked

How they ruled in splendid majesty

I am lost though when I hear them talk

Who I am was stolen from me

I am the fruit of Africa’s tree

Though I have not seen my native home

I sense the vastness of its splendor

And though I have not walked its streets

Yet I never feel alone

I am the fruit of Africa’s tree

The spirits of my native land

They beacon me to come again

To a home to me I never left

The Kings and Queens who once did rule

Have left their heritage upon myself

What is my name do you remember me

Or who I am and what I see

Yes I am that fruit of Africa’s Tree

The armor gallantly forged let me not forget

Woven to be worn with humble strength

Bringing to light the challenges met

On the road of beginnings that has no length

Listen to the cry as mountains lament

The agony of raping what God has sown

Blood taken from a people without consent

Left barren a seed with name unknown

How I long the golden hills of Motherland

And drink of her fountains water pure

To run unimpeded as her free man

Taking back my home that I may endure

There is a place to render me free

In the shade of the heart of Africa’s tree

Do you know who I am or what I see

I am the fruit of Africa’s Tree

Ronnie L Sockwell, Winston-Salem



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