


May 03
04:00 2018

Get out and vote, early or otherwise

To the Editor:

I address this to Forsyth Democrats:

The hard Voting Rights work has already been done. Fannie Lou Hamer was thrown out, beat up and died early for your right. Police dogs barked at, lunged for, and bit at wanna-be-voters. The voter’s right law was upheld. Candidates stepped forward and have developed and implemented campaign strategies. You alone know how you feel. It merely remains for you to pick the ballot choices that match. Then Get-Out-And-Vote.

“We could end up with the wrong persons in office, by just not voting,” said Albert Porter, the recipient of this year’s Life Achievement Award, at the Democratic Party’s gala, appropriately tagged, “From Protest to Progress.”

By the time this letter is printed, three early Voting Days will remain where you have options to avoid last-minute lines. Early voting polls are at the:

*Forsyth County Board of Elections, May 3 & 4, 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; and May 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

*Satellite locations, May 3 & 4, 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; and May 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Those locations are Kernersville VFW Post #5352; Lewisville Branch Library; Rural Hall Branch Library; and Southside Branch Library.

Can’t early vote? All is not lost. You still have the primary voting day on May 8 to do it the old-fashioned way in your own local precinct polls, 6:30 a m.-7:30 p m. In fact, if you missed your party’s annual precinct meeting, then chatting with voting neighbors, while inching forward in lines that can snake around the polling site, is valuable time spent.

I’ve learned to be curious before I put out a sign. Once when I was persuaded to put a certain candidate’s sign in my yard, I drew the wrath of neighbors, whose counter signs started popping up in yards around me. There’s something to be said for the adage, “Keep politics and religion to yourself.” But I still put up signs on the neighborhood’s median.

The heaviest hours are usually dictated by the workforce hours, those going to and leaving jobs. Remember, no photo ID is needed, except for same-day registration, a process open to you in case the April 13 deadline got by you. To use same-day Registration, go to an Early Voting site. You will be asked to fill out the form and show one ID.

Straight party voting is no longer available, so, know your issues and who represents how you feel about them.

Still undecided, or worse, unfamiliar with what’s on the ballot? Unfortunately, you might have missed the many Candidates Forums that were held all over Forsyth, but there is plenty to learn online. Google knows.

From a loyal Democrat …

Brenda E. Humphrey, Winston-Salem


Vote for Fleming El-Amin for County Commissioner

To the Editor:

I have known Fleming El-Amin since my childhood.  Over the years he has proven to be a sincere, caring, thoughtful and trustworthy friend. 

He has exemplified these same characteristics in the community as a banker, an educator, as chairman of the Forsyth County Democratic Party, as a member of the Forsyth County Board of Elections, and as a current member of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners. 

Fleming El-Amin continues to provide well-thought solutions to our community problems while providing everyone a seat at the table.  For good county government, I urge you to keep Fleming El-Amin as County Commissioner for District A.  I am proud to support him as Campaign Treasurer for Fleming El-Amin for County Commissioner.

Anthony W. Ledbetter, Winston-Salem

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