

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
November 08
00:00 2012

Religious leaders hypocritical for opposing Obama 


To the Editor:

The opposition that President Obama has received from some religious leaders and the support that  Mitt Romney has received from many in this same group solely in response to the President’s support of gay marriage is illogical.

Almost immediately following the President’s announcement, several religious leaders, many of whom had previously supported President Obama, took to the pulpits in opposition of the President so fast that you would thought that he had said that he supported human sacrifices. Are gay people not human beings who have children and families just like straight people?

What really bothers me is that these faith based leaders not only withdrew their own personal support from the President, but they also instructed their congregations to do the same. What is worse is that some  actually promoted support for Mitt Romney because his Mormon faith sees homosexuality as immoral.

However, if the opposition is strictly in the name of Christian beliefs, as many of these leaders claim, then the premise makes no sense. No matter how much religious leaders perceive same sex marriage as a sin, it is small in comparison to the Mormon faith, as compared to Christianity, that believes in a whole host of ideals that are in direct opposition to some of the most fundamental Christian principles.

Don’t misunderstand; I am not criticizing the Mormon faith. I believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever he or she chooses, even if that belief is that their leader received God’s revelation from writing on a rock that he saw through a hole in his hat.  I am simply saying that this Mormon belief and others make Mormonism and Christianity far from kindred faiths.

If opposition toward President Obama is based strictly on Christian principles, then shouldn’t the opposition toward Mitt Romney, who spent several years as a Mormon bishop for God’s sake, be even stronger?  Advocating for Mitt Romney is purely hypocritical. It makes one wonder what the real issue is. I’m just saying.

Mshairi J. Evans

UNC-Chapel Hill student


Every day is Veterans Day


To the Editor:

When people think of veterans, they often think of warriors, but Hurricane Sandy offers just the latest reminder of the significant humanitarian and often times life-saving work performed by our veterans on a daily basis.

As Sandy was still wreaking devastation on the east coast, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members mobilized on the opposite coast – at March Air Reserve Base in California to trek nearly 3,000 miles to assist their fellow Americans.  The Navy sent large-deck amphibious ships off the shores of New York and New Jersey, where Marines, soldiers and Coast Guardsmen were busy rescuing storm victims, rebuilding ravaged areas and providing food and fuel.

Memorial Day is appropriately set aside to honor our fallen war veterans – those who made the Supreme Sacrifice for this great country. Unfortunately, we are unable to personally show our appreciation to these heroes. Veterans Day, however, is intended to honor all of our military veterans, including the nearly 23 million living men and women who are still among us.

Sometimes all that is needed is a simple ‘thank you’ directed at the veteran or the family member for his or her sacrifice.

Part of that sacrifice too often includes unemployment or underemployment when the veteran’s military service is over.

Companies should understand that it’s smart business to hire veterans, and when members of the Guard and Reserves deploy, it is America’s business to ensure that their civilian careers do not suffer.

We must not forget the unique health care needs of women veterans. There are more than 1.2 million women in America today who have worn the uniform.  Women play a pivotal role in our mission in Afghanistan.  The Department of Veterans Affairs must adequately treat breast and cervical cancer as well as trauma that may have resulted from domestic violence, sexual harassment and assault.

We must always remember those veterans who have given their lives for us long after they stopped wearing their military uniforms. While their service obligations may have expired, their love of country endured. Chances are that if you surveyed your local police or fire department, you would find that a disproportionately high amount of its members are veterans.

Men like Navy veteran and Boston firefighter Paul J. Cahill, who sacrificed his life when a restaurant roof collapsed while he was fighting a fire in West Roxbury on August 29, 2007. Or Washington State Trooper and U.S. Army veteran Tony Radulescu, who was killed on February 23, 2012 when he was shot during a traffic stop in Kitsap County.

When an emergency hits, there is a good chance that it is a veteran who is first to respond. Whether it’s a school teacher, construction worker or first responder, military veterans take their missions seriously.


James E. Koutz,

National Commander of The American Legion

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