

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
March 12
00:05 2020

Pastor comments on ‘Let’s Talk Religion’

To The Editor:

My name is Luis Miro. I begin by saying thank you for getting back to me. In searching for ‘religious news,’ specifically for any positive news on pastors who have fallen but have gotten back on their feet, and sadly I didn’t find any. However I ended up on the “Let’s Talk Religion” page on the WS Chronicle website and though it wasn’t what I was specifically searching for, I did and I continue to appreciate your articles.

Just in case you are interested in why I was searching for news on ‘pastors who have fallen and have gotten back up’ is because I was one of those pastors and at the risk of complete vulnerability, here is a quick blurb… As a senior pastor of a church in Mass., I became severely addicted to the pain medication given to me pre/post back surgery. I stood at the intersection of should I confess or should I just commit suicide. By God’s grace, I chose confession. I sent an email to my family, friends, my staff and board members confessing to my “double-life.” I resigned from my church and went into detox, then away to a treatment center. I have an amazingly supportive wife, family and true-blue circle of friends who have stood by my side. It took work to get from 2016 till the present – but by God’s scandalous grace, and extravagant love, I am still standing. I completed the two-year restoration / disciplinary process of the Assemblies of God, the fellowship with whom I am ordained, and my credentials have been restored. My family and I now live in Pa.

Thank you for writing great articles and thank you for taking the time to read my email. If nothing else, I hope this email gives you hope for someone you know who may be going through the same struggles.

Luis Miro


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