

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
October 07
12:01 2020

Terri LeGrand for District 31 N.C. Senate seat

To The Editor:

Election 2020—both state and national—weighs heavily on most Americans. As a concerned citizen, I am campaigning for Terri LeGrand’s run for District 31 N.C Senate seat. Terri’s position on education, environment, and jobs are supported by her lifetime of actions.
Two issues—health care and policing—are most important for me.
COVID-19 is one of our most important election issues. This pandemic has raised new concerns about the large number of uninsured or under-insured in North Carolina. Is the person packing your groceries insured? Perhaps not. Sadly, North Carolina doesn’t provide Medicaid coverage to individuals who earn too much for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance; per the Winston-Salem Journal, this is between 450,000 and 650,000 of our neighbors. It is time to close this gap, which Terri supports. In fact, according to a recent statewide study, 75% of North Carolinians also believe in closing this healthcare coverage gap, including 64% registered as Republicans. In District 31, 69% of respondents support closing this gap. Incumbent Joyce Krawiec, however, is not on board with the majority of her constituents. According to RealFactsNC, “Krawiec does not support the Affordable Care Act and refuses to close the coverage gap for uninsured North Carolinians.” As we adjust to life in a deadly pandemic, surely we can do better for our neighbors and ourselves, and Terri can help to make that happen.
Another equally important issue is Terri LeGrand’s position on policing. Simply put, Terri does NOT support defunding the police. In August, Terri went on record with the Kernersville News stating that she does NOT support defunding the police. But if you are watching TV and receiving mailers, you might be confused. Why? Because Joyce Krawiec is messaging that Terri is in favor of defunding the police—this is a blatant lie. Lying is a reprehensible leadership quality; we’ve seen where lying has gotten us at the national level. We cannot tolerate that in our district. 
If you want leadership rooted in integrity and grit, Terri LeGrand is the senator of choice in District 31. Visit terrilegrand.org to learn more.

Judy Isaksen

Support for Terri LeGrand and Dan Besse

To The Editor:

We need members in the North Carolina General Assembly who are concerned about issues that affect all of us North Carolinians, especially those who have lost jobs, are behind in their housing payments, and lack health insurance. And let’s not forget our schools and the students they serve. Public tax money should go to public schools that are accountable for what they do and how they spend taxpayer money.
For these reasons, I support electing Terri LeGrand and Dan Besse to the North Carolina General Assembly. I have personally known both these outstanding individuals for many years. During that time I have observed their intelligence, their honesty and integrity, and their dedication to make our community and state better for all of us.
I urge you to support them, too.

Judi Wallace


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