

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
October 14
13:00 2020

Supporting our Schools

To The Editor:

As a parent, I have always supported my children’s schools and teachers. I’ve been an active member of the PTA and even did a few stints as room parent. I have, however, gained a whole new appreciation for teachers since remote learning began last March. Our teachers are amazing, dedicated, hard-working professionals.
I think it is a terrible shame that the North Carolina General Assembly doesn’t seem to value our teachers as they should or as they claim. Teacher pay in N.C. is still in the bottom half of all U.S. states. But when you remove the supplements given by local counties, our teacher pay lands among the lowest. Per pupil spending is even more dismal. N.C .ranks 48th in the nation, which is pathetic! In addition, many of our schools are bursting at the seams and in need of repair. Infrastructure spending is desperately needed, especially with students returning to poorly ventilated buildings.
That’s why I am supporting Terri LeGrand for NC Senate District 31 and Dan Besse for NC House District 74. Terri and her daughters attended N.C. public schools. Dan also attended public school and his mother was a public school teacher and principal! Terri and Dan will fully fund our schools and increase teacher pay. Let’s face it: Joyce Krawiec has had six years to do something about this and hasn’t and Jeff Zenger wants to give our public education dollars to private schools! It’s time to vote Joyce out and vote Terri LeGrand and Dan Besse in!  

Linda Arrigo

Truth Matters

To The Editor:

We are taught that telling the truth is the right thing to do. A fact is something proven to be true. In 2020, truth and facts matter, although lies come easily for some.
Fact: Terri LeGrand is running for NC Senate District 31. She is on record with the Kernersville News stating that she does NOT support defunding police. Terri LeGrand has stated publicly that all citizens need to work together to improve our systems of public safety to ensure that we are protecting everyone in our community. Terri has written extensively on prioritizing public safety, which is on her website, terrilegrand.org.
Fact: Terri LeGrand has received $0 in corporate PAC donations. Her campaign is funded with individual donations from voters. Her opponent, Joyce Kraweic, has received thousands of dollars in corporate PAC donations, including from the healthcare industry. Terri believes, along with the majority of North Carolinians, that everyone deserves healthcare they can afford. She will not be beholden to insurance companies as she works for quality healthcare for everyone.
Fact: Terri LeGrand has always been a strong supporter of public education, including fully funded schools and increased teacher’s salaries. Terri’s support for public education is not conditional on an election cycle, only to disappear as an election ends.
The truth is that Terri LeGrand’s qualities of honesty and integrity are attributes needed in government today. Terri LeGrand has proven that she is the best choice for NC Senate District 31.

Andrea Ostberg

Terri LeGrand for Health Care Solutions 

To The Editor:

We are retired from CenterPoint where we held leadership positions in early childhood intervention with families and their infants and toddlers who were at high risk for developmental delays or who were born prematurely. We know first hand of the serious needs of families who face such challenges with such deficiencies in North Carolina’s health care systems due to the lack of support from the current Legislature. 
That is why we are so pleased to support Terri LeGrand’s candidacy for NC Senate Seat in District 13. She shares our concerns for issues affecting families who struggle to survive economically and medically, especially those who have special needs’ children and adults for whom parents, in many cases, will provide care throughout their lives. Like Terri LeGrand, we are very much in favor of Medicaid expansion which will give more of our citizens access to health care, particularly during international health emergencies like the one we are experiencing now.
Throughout her career as a working mother, an attorney, college administrator and community volunteer, this extraordinary woman has consistently spoken up for children and adults of all ages and backgrounds. Moreover, Terri knows the needs of individuals and communities for affordable health care because she listens and she cares. We encourage you to elect Terri as part of our state legislative body representing District 13. She is well qualified, deep thinking, and partisan politics will not distract her from working for the benefit of all North Carolinians.

Chris Kelsey & Loretta Arnn

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