

Local artists bringing arts movement to town 

Local artists bringing arts movement to town 
March 07
00:00 2014

One City, One Prompt (OCOP) movement is coming the Triad.
Billed as a dynamic series of writing, performance, activist and community-building events, OCOP is a global effort, bringing people together to gather to write, tell stories, perform or discuss a common theme.

Poet Jacinta V. White’s The Word Project, the NC Writers Network, Press 53, Women Writers of the Triad and other writers and writers’ groups will sponsor a series of OCOP events through April 30 centered around this year’s OCOP theme – “Begin Again.” Many of the programs are free and open to the public.

“I’m excited to collaborate with others to get as many people in our community writing at the same time on a common theme,” said White, OCOP coordinator for the Triad. “Writing provides an avenue for creativity, inspiration and profound change. My hope in doing this is that those who participate will walk away from the experience having met new people and found a deeper relationship with their own voice. Writing truly is transformative and I hope people feel that through OCOP.”
In addition to attending writing workshops and discussion groups, participants may submit their writings online at www.poetryheals.com/one-city-one-prompt-events.html. Visit www.poetryheals.com/ocop-calendar.html for a calendar of OCOP events and registration information.



Upcoming events will include Saturday, March 8’s “Begin Again: The Writer’s Journey,” with noted local poet Ismael Khatibu. It will be held at the Community Arts Cafe, 411 W 4th St., from 2–4 p.m. Admission is $20 and RSVPs must be received by March 7 via www.press53.com/workshops.html.

White will be featured at a roundtable held by the Women Writers’ of the Triad on Sunday, March 9 2–3 p.m. in the Deep Roots Community Room, 600 N Eugene St. in Greensboro. She will also be featured on Monday, March 24 from 7–8:30 p.m at the Community Arts Cafe for a gathering hosted by  Winston-Salem Writers. White will lead a 90-minute workshop that will focus on the “Begin Again” theme.

For a complete schedule of events or to learn more about the project, visit www.poetryheals.com.

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