Mt. Olive nurses celebrate anniversary
Arzella Carson
The Mt. Olive Baptist Church Senior Nurses Board celebrated its anniversary recently. Arzella Carson was named the Nurse of the Year. She is a faithful member of the Nurses Ministry and is married to Calvin Carson.
The Senior Nurses Board was organized in 1934 under the leadership of the late Rev. T. H. Harris. Through the years, the board has undergone many transitions. By the grace of God and the assistance of Pastor Dr. Charles E. Gray, the membership has grown tremendously.
The Senior Nurses meet on the first Saturday of each month at 1 p.m. Their primary duties are to take care of the pastor’s needs during all home services and when the pastor visits other churches. They also assist the congregation with its needs, administer first aid or emotional support to those in need, provide nursery care to young children, visit the sick in the hospital and assist the bereaved at funerals.