

N.C. Mutual marking anniversary over next year

N.C. Mutual marking anniversary over next year
November 01
00:00 2012

Durham-based North Carolina Mutual kicked off its 115th anniversary celebration last week in conjunction with its annual recognition of Founders’ Day.

Over the next year, the company will highlight its storied history with a series of special events. It all will culminate in a week of celebrations and special events in October 2013. Descendants of the three founders of the company, John Merrick, Dr. Aaron M. Moore and Charles C. Spaulding, will be involved in both the planning of the celebration and the events themselves.

North Carolina Mutual is the nation’s oldest and largest insurance company with roots in the African American community. It offers a wide variety of life insurance products through group plans for both large and small organizations and through individual policies.

In 2009, North Carolina Mutual transferred its archival collection of materials to North Carolina Central University and Duke University. The collection of materials highlights the historic role the company has played locally and nationally in African-American commerce.  The documents are available for research and review in Duke’s Library Service Center, an off-site location that serves both institutions.

“This is an exciting time for North Carolina Mutual,” said James H. Speed Jr., president and CEO. “North Carolina Mutual was born in 1898 out of a heartfelt desire and determination to serve the underserved. We are celebrating our rich history and the contributions we have made to building wealth in the African American community. At the same time, we continue to grow and build on the strong foundation of our legacy.” 

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