Off to the races

Candidate filing for the 2020 election opened at noon on Monday, Dec. 2.
The filing period ends on Dec. 20 at noon. Candidates can file at the Forsyth County Board of Elections, 201 N. Chestnut St. Next year’s primary is March 3 and the General Election will be Nov. 3.
Candidates must be at least 21 years old (or at least 25 years old for State Senate) and a registered voter. Candidates will need to pay a filing fee equal to one percent of the salary of the office they’re running for. For filing fees and residency requirements, visit or call the Board of Elections at 336-703-2800.
Local offices that are up for election are State Senate and House, Superior Court Judge 21B and 21D, 21st District Court Judge, Clerk of Superior Court, County Commissioner District B, Register of Deeds, and Winston-Salem Mayor and City Council.
The office of Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor has a different filing period, which runs from June 8, 2020, to July 2, 2020.